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Missing element: <citedRange> #170

Closed anacastrosalgado closed 1 year ago

anacastrosalgado commented 1 year ago

How to annotate the folium number indication? element "page" not allowed anywhere


Example: MORAIS, 1st edition, ABAFADAMENTE

<entry xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" xml:id="MORAIS1.DLP.ABAFADAMENTE" type="mainEntry" xml:lang="pt">
            <form type="lemma">
            <metamark function="entryTypographiConvention">,</metamark>
               <gram type="pos" norm="ADVERB">adv.</gram>
            <sense xml:id="MORAIS1.DLP.ABAFADAMENTE_s.1">
               <xr type="related">
                  <lbl><hi rend="italic">v.</hi></lbl>
                  <ref target="abafado" xml:id="MORAIS1.DLP.ABAFADO" type="mainEentry">abafado</ref>
               <metamark function="senseTypographiConvention">§</metamark>
            <sense xml:id="MORAIS1.DLP.ABAFADAMENTE_s.2">
               <!-- I don't understand item (???) -->
               <lbl><hi rend="italic">item</hi></lbl>
               <!-- points to Aulegrafia -->
               <cit type="example" xml:lang="pt">
                  <bibl type="attestation">
                     <title type="abbr">Aulegraf.</title>
                     <page>f. 141</page>
                  <lbl><hi rend="italic">v.</hi></lbl>

Also needed for the page number. Example: MORAIS, 1st edition, ABAFADIÇO


<entry xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" xml:id="MORAIS_1.DLP.ABAFADIÇO" type="mainEntry" xml:lang="pt">
    <form type="lemma">
    <metamark function="lemmaDelimiter">,</metamark>
        <gram type="pos" norm="ADJ">adj.</gram>
    <sense xml:id="MORAIS_1.DLP.ABAFADIÇO.s.1">
        <lbl expand="verbi gratia" xml:lang="la"><hi>v. g.</hi></lbl>
        <cit type="example"><quote>lugar ——</quote></cit>
        <def>calmoſo, em que não corre o ar livremente, ou viração</def>
    <metamark function="senseDelimiter">§</metamark>
    <sense xml:id="MORAIS_1.DLP.ABAFADIÇO.s.2">
        <cit type="example">
            <quote>homem ——</quote>
        <def>que ſe afronta facilmente</def>
        <cit type="example">
            <bibl type="attestation">
                <!-- point to Uliſipo -->
                <citedRange unit="page">262</citedRange>
laurentromary commented 1 year ago

<page> does not exist, but I would suggest <citedRange unit="...">.

anacastrosalgado commented 1 year ago

Yes. My fault. I'm using <page> in the DLP-ACL and I forgot that is not a TEI element. I have to change this. Thanks. https://dariah-eric.github.io/lexicalresources/pages/TEILex0/spec.html#TEI.citedRange

Note: Element "citedRange" not allowed anywhere. I just changed the title of this issue.

                <sense xml:id="MORAIS1.DLP.ABAFADAMENTE_s.2">
                    <!-- I don't understand item (???) -->
                    <lbl><hi rend="italic">item</hi></lbl>
                    <!-- points to Aulegrafia -->
                    <cit type="example" xml:lang="pt">
                        <bibl type="attestation">
                        <title type="abbr">Aulegraf.</title>
                            <citedRange unit="folium">f. 141</citedRange>
                        <lbl><hi rend="italic">v.</hi></lbl>
ttasovac commented 1 year ago

We'll definitely add this.

I'm having some trouble with my xproc-based set up in the new version of oXygen, so I can't do this right away, even though it would be a quick job. I will let you know once I do.

anacastrosalgado commented 1 year ago

@ttasovac Is it possible to bring back citedRange?

anacastrosalgado commented 1 year ago

I will close this ticket because I'm very stupid.