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Make listBibl mandatory in sourceDesc #188

Closed ttasovac closed 1 year ago

ttasovac commented 1 year ago

This is a placeholder from the Lexical Resoruces Summit 2023.

If there is a sourceDesc, we should have at least one listBibl mandatory in it. @type suggested values: dictionaries, literature, corpora.

ttasovac commented 1 year ago

Schema to test with: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DARIAH-ERIC/lexicalresources/feature/listBibl/Schemas/TEILex0/out/TEILex0.rng

@anacastrosalgado when you have a sec, could you please post here the sourceDesc from Morais, which should now contain two listBibl elements, one of the type dictionaries which should have the original print dictionary in biblStruct, and then listBibl of the type literature which should have 2-3 encoded examples from Morais' sources.

anacastrosalgado commented 1 year ago

Morais sourceDesc:

   <listBibl type="dictionaries">
      <biblStruct type="book" xml:id="Morais1789">
            <title level="m" type="main">Diccionario da lingua portugueza composto pelo padre
               D. Rafael Bluteau, reformado, e accrescentado por Antonio de Moraes Silva,
               natural do Rio de Janeiro</title>
            <title level="m" type="sub">A – K</title>
                  <forename>António de</forename>
                  <surname>Morais Silva</surname>
               <publisher>Officina de Simão Thaddeo Ferreira</publisher>
               <date when="1789">1789</date>
               <note>Com Licença da Real Meza da Comissão Geral, sobre o Exame, e Censura dos
               <!-- This sentence describes the store where the dictionary was for sale. We decided to use note (04.02.2023) -->
               <note>Vende-ſe na loja de Borel Borel, e Companhia, quaſi defronte da Igreja
                  nova de Noſſa Senhora dos Martyres, na eſquina.</note>
            <extent>Tomo primeiro</extent>
            <extent>752 pp.</extent>
            <title level="m" type="main">Diccionario da lingua portugueza composto pelo padre
               D. Rafael Bluteau, reformado, e accrescentado por Antonio de Moraes Silva,
               natural do Rio de Janeiro</title>
            <title level="m" type="sub">L – Z</title>
            <!-- SEE corresp -->
            <author corresp="https://isni.org/isni/0000000083438040">
                  <forename>António de</forename>
                  <surname>Morais Silva</surname>
               <publisher>Officina de Simão Thaddeo Ferreira</publisher>
            <extent>Tomo segundo</extent>
            <extent>541 pp.</extent>
   <listBibl type="literature">
      <biblStruct resp="#MorDigital">
         <monogr corresp="https://purl.pt/29333">
            <title>Abecedario Real e Regia Instrucçam dos Principes Lusitanos, composto
               de 63. discursos Politicos, &amp; Moraes : offerecido ao Serenissimo
               Principe Dom Joam N.S. / pelo M.R.P. Fr. Joam dos Prazeres, Prègador
               Gèral, &amp; Chronista mòr da Religiaõ do Principe dos Patriarcas Sam
                  <forename>João dos</forename>
               <publisher>na Officina de Miguel Deslandes, Impressor de S.
               <!-- See link to BND -->
               <note>More information found in BND ; 191 p.</note>
      <biblStruct xml:id="Academ.sing">
         <monogr corresp="#bibl. https://purl.pt/21936">
            <title>Academia dos ſingulares de Lisboa dedicadas a Apollo</title>
                  <forename>André Leitão de</forename>
               <publisher>na Officina de Henrique Valente de Oliveira</publisher>
               <biblScope unit="volume">2 t. em 2 vol.</biblScope>
               <note>More information found in BND; 2 vol.</note>
      <!-- [...] -->
ttasovac commented 1 year ago

merged into dev with #195