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ad titlePage + hi + pb + lb for the front or back matter encoding #211

Open daliboris opened 5 months ago

daliboris commented 5 months ago

We need the <titlePage>, <pb>, <lb> and <hi> elements to encode the prose in front or back matter if editors want to encode printed dictionaries with a focus on the original layout.

An example of the title of Morais' Dictionary:


<pb n="[i]" facs="MORAIS.DLP.1/volume-1/MORAIS.DLP.1.volume-1.page-001.png"/>
  <titlePart type="main">DICCIONARIO <lb /><hi rend="smaller">DA</hi> <lb />LINGUA PORTUGUEZA</titlePart>
 <byline><lb /><hi rend="smaller">COMPOSTO</hi> <lb />PELO PADRE D. RAFAEL BLUTEAU, <lb />...</byline>