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do we want term? or name? #46

Closed ttasovac closed 5 years ago

ttasovac commented 5 years ago

In many dictionaries, definitions or translations (often for plants and animals and that kind of stuff) will have a Latin name or classification attached to it...

I would probably call this ...

Note to self: ask Ana to send you Portuguese examples.

To be discussed...

laurentromary commented 5 years ago

Ana provided more examples: CANICHE English: poodle French: caniche <def>Raça de cães de água <mentioned author="Linn">Canis familiaris aquaticus</mentioned>, cujo pêlo é muito encaracolado. </def> Linn = Linnaean taxonomy, the system for classifying living things

MARMOTA English: marmot French: marmotte <def>Animal quadrúpede e roedor <mentioned author="Linn">A. marmota</mentioned>, sociável e herbívoro, que vive em tocas nas regiões setentrionais e hiberna vários meses. </def>

Cf. Genus Marmota, family Sciuridae: several species [https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/marmot]

COLIBRI English: hummingbird French: colibri <def>Designação vulgar de várias aves da família dos troquilídeos <mentioned author="Linn">Trochilus</mentioned>, de tamanho reduzido, plumagem de cores vivas e brilhantes, voo muito veloz, frequentes na América tropical, também conhecidas por <xr>beija-flor</xr>, <xr>chupa-flor</xr>, </def>

kdepuydt commented 5 years ago

term or name (for latin names of animals etc) Opt for term! <term> contains a single-word, multi-word, or symbolic designation which is regarded as a technical term <name> (name, proper noun) contains a proper noun or noun phrase.

laurentromary commented 5 years ago

Toma and I agree that <term> is a good thing to have.