DARIAH-ERIC / lexicalresources

Data space of the DARIAH Lexical Resources Working Group
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cooperation / integration? #81

Closed eduarddrenth closed 3 years ago

eduarddrenth commented 4 years ago

Dear people, is this the home of TEI Lex-0?

I would be interested to integrate my initiative for translation dictionaries, https://bitbucket.org/fryske-akademy/online-dictionaries/, with TEI Lex-0.

TEI Lex-0 being superior lexicographically spoken, my initiative being directly usable for tool development and a ready to run application. I wrote an odd that restricts TEI a lot more than Lex-0 does: https://bitbucket.org/fryske-akademy/online-dictionaries/src/master/tei_dictionaries.odd. See https://web2.fa.knaw.nl/exist/apps/onfw?lang=en for the reusable application.

My initiative will be presented at euralex this year (postponed).

One scenario I have in mind is that I base my odd on the Lex-0 one and adapt and donate my code accordingly. This way Lex-0 would get a directly usable sub project, so people can actually fill, run and integrate dictionaries.

Another scenario is to also feed back some of my odd insights into Lex-0.

Please let me know your idea's. Perhaps we can arrange a meeting or set up a project.

eduarddrenth commented 3 years ago

Is anyone at all reading the issues?

laurentromary commented 3 years ago

I do, but I am not sure how to answer your information point. It is really nice that you base your work on TEI Lex-0 and it seems tat you have done the right thing in chaining your ODD from te TEI Lex-0 one. If you do have have identified infelicities in the spec, you may indeed file tickets accordingly.

eduarddrenth commented 3 years ago

I'll get back to you, perhaps better via mail...

eduarddrenth commented 3 years ago

So, some more background with my not so successful attempt to get in touch with lex0 people. At the Fryske Akademy we are working on a fairly large dictionary project Dutch-Frisian. Some 5 Lexicographers are working on it for some 6 years in total. As a software architect I am responsible for the ICT involved. For the editing part we coöperate with the INT. For dictionary publication I chose to restrict content and structure of the TEI and integrate universaldependencies terminology to enable generic, reusable and stable tool development.

Reading https://dariah-eric.github.io/lexicalresources/pages/TEILex0/TEILex0.html (nice!) my goals closely resemble the lex0 goals, the ODD's as well show similarities. The Dutch-Frisian dictionary, the first part of which is soon to be published, could be published in lex0 or derivative based on ODD chaining. This could also lead to publications for example on using lex0 in real life or on ODD chaining. It could also leed to identifying issues that leed to improvement and wider adoptation.

So again, now with some more background, would the lex0, or dariah, community be interested in exploring the possibilities to cooperate? Let's take this offline: edrenth at fryske akademy nl.

laurentromary commented 3 years ago

And following our not so successful attempt to get a point of how we could help, let me switch to email. I'll close the thread.