DARMA-tasking / LB-analysis-framework

Analysis framework for exploring, testing, and comparing load balancing strategies
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#551: Fix INPUT_MODULE ordering #552

Closed cwschilly closed 2 months ago

cwschilly commented 2 months ago

Fixes #551

The problem stems from this commit to m.css. The change is described below (copied from the linked commit's message), where the "additional check" mentioned was throwing errors for us:

The use case is explicitly including a module that otherwise doesn't get
transitively imported from the parents. They were treated as a standalone
root module until now, causing quite a mess. Now they aren't, but there's
an additional check requiring the user to explicitly supply also all

Also reworks the doc deployment pipeline so that the docs are built on every PR, but only deployed on pushes to develop or main. This way we'll catch errors in the pipeline before merging PRs.