DARPA-ASKEM / Model-Representations

Modeling framework representations for ASKEM
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RegNets Schema Discussion #11

Closed mehalter closed 1 year ago

mehalter commented 1 year ago

I started taking a look at making a JSON format for RegNets. This takes some ideas from our already existing Petri Net schema such as grounding and how we represent rates/initial conditions and applies them to the idea of signed graphs. This is to be a starting point for our discussion in the coming week for formalizing a JSON Schema.

We can use this issue to forward the development before the meeting and bring up missing information/fields.

  "name": "Lotka Volterra",
  "schema": "TODO",
  "description": "Lotka Volterra model",
  "model_version": "0.1",
  "model": {
    "vertices": [
        "id": "R",
        "name": "Rabbits",
        "grounding": {},
        "initial": {
          "expression": "R0",
          "expression_mathml": "<mi>R0</mi>"
        "rate": {
          "expression": "",
          "expression_mathml": ""
        "id": "W",
        "name": "Wolves",
        "grounding": {},
        "initial": {
          "expression": "W0",
          "expression_mathml": "<mi>W0</mi>"
        "rate": {
          "expression": "",
          "expression_mathml": ""
    "edges": [
        "id": "rabbit_growth",
        "src": "R",
        "tgt": "R",
        "sign": true,
        "properties": {
          "name": "",
          "rate": {
            "expression": "",
            "expression_mathml": ""
        "id": "wolf_growth",
        "src": "W",
        "tgt": "W",
        "sign": true,
        "properties": {
          "name": "",
          "rate": {
            "expression": "",
            "expression_mathml": ""
        "id": "predation",
        "src": "W",
        "tgt": "R",
        "sign": false,
        "properties": {
          "name": "",
          "function": {
            "expression": "",
            "expression_mathml": ""
    "parameters": [
        "id": "R0",
        "description": "Initial rabbit population",
        "value": 10
        "id": "W0",
        "description": "Initial wolf population",
        "value": 1

Pinging @bgyori @brandomr specifically to get eyes on this and for feedback!

I think the only thing that may be missing is currently missing is intrinsic growth rates on the vertices themselves, @jpfairbanks could you weigh in on how we should add that in along with the initial conditions. I'm also not 100% clear as to why intrinsic growth rates are needed and why they aren't positive edges in the regulatory network.

UPDATE: I have cleared up my understanding of why intrinsic growth is necessary for modeling regulatory networks and are different than positive/negative self loops. I updated the example above to include a rate for each vertex as well.

djinnome commented 1 year ago

Will Observables be included as part of the specification as they currently are in MIRA models?

bgyori commented 1 year ago

Will Observables be included as part of the specification as they currently are in MIRA models?

Observables aren't yet represented in the other (petrinet) framework either, I was going to add them soon. We can discuss in today's meeting how to handle them in this framework too.

jpfairbanks commented 1 year ago

@mehalter, we need to also add a human readable description of the Lotka-Volterra Semantics to the documentation here.

bgyori commented 1 year ago

I'm attempting to summarize the discussion points with some changes below:

Let's continue discussion options and try to finalize things by Friday in a PR!

  "name": "Lotka Volterra",
  "schema": "TODO",
  "description": "Lotka Volterra model",
  "model_version": "0.1",
  "model": {
    "vertices": [
        "id": "R",
        "name": "Rabbits",
        "grounding": {},
        "initial": {
          "expression": "R0",
          "expression_mathml": "<mi>R0</mi>"
        "rate": {
          "expression": "-alpha",
          "expression_mathml": "<apply><minus/><ci>alpha</ci></apply>"
        "id": "W",
        "name": "Wolves",
        "grounding": {},
        "initial": {
          "expression": "W0",
          "expression_mathml": "<mi>W0</mi>"
        "rate": null
    "edges": [
        "id": "rabbit_growth",
        "source": "R",
        "target": "R",
        "sign": true,
        "properties": {
          "name": "Rabbit growth"
          "rate_constant": 0.2
        "id": "wolf_growth",
        "source": "W",
        "target": "W",
        "sign": true,
        "properties": {
          "name": null,
          "rate_constant": "beta"
        "id": "predation",
        "source": "W",
        "target": "R",
        "sign": false,
        "properties": {
          "name": null
    "parameters": [
        "id": "R0",
        "description": "Initial rabbit population",
        "value": 10
        "id": "W0",
        "description": "Initial wolf population",
        "value": 1
        "id": "alpha",
        "description": "Natural decay of rabbits",
        "value": 0.01
        "id": "beta",
        "description": null,
        "value": 0.02
bgyori commented 1 year ago

@mehalter if the modified version looks reasonable, do you want to open a PR with the example and its schema? We can still make changes at the PR stage if needed.

mehalter commented 1 year ago

Yeah I'll get that open by the first of the week! I think it looks pretty good. do we also want t ochange vertices rate to rate_constant? @bgyori

bgyori commented 1 year ago

The reason I left it like that is that we need some way to at least represent polarity for those rates. If we want to move away from the more general rate, I would suggest something like replacing

        "rate": {
          "expression": "-alpha",
          "expression_mathml": "<apply><minus/><ci>alpha</ci></apply>"


        "rate_constant": "alpha",
        "rate_sign": false
djinnome commented 1 year ago

Hi folks,

Based on @bgyori 's suggestions, this would be the schema describing a fully-specified Lotka-Volterra model. Can we take this as a canonical example, or are there still missing components?

  "name": "Lotka Volterra",
  "schema": "TODO",
  "description": "Lotka Volterra model",
  "model_version": "0.1",
  "model": {
    "vertices": [
        "id": "R",
        "name": "Rabbits",
        "grounding": {},
        "initial_value": "R0",
        "rate_constant": "alpha",
        "rate_sign": true
        "id": "W",
        "name": "Wolves",
        "grounding": {},
        "initial_value": "W0",
        "rate_constant": "gamma"
        "rate_sign": false
    "edges": [
        "id": "wolf_eats_rabbit",
        "source": "W",
        "target": "R",
        "rate_sign": false,
        "rate_constant": "beta"
        "id": "rabbit_feeds_wolf",
        "source": "R",
        "target": "W",
        "rate_sign": true,
        "rate_constant": "delta"
    "parameters": [
        "id": "R0",
        "description": "Initial rabbit population",
        "value": 1.0
        "id": "W0",
        "description": "Initial wolf population",
        "value": 1.0
        "id": "alpha",
        "description": "Maximum per capita prey growth rate",
        "value": 0.67
        "id": "beta",
        "description":  "Effect of predators on prey",
        "value": 1.33
        "id": "gamma",
        "description":  "Effect of prey on predators",
        "value": 1.0
        "id": "delta",
        "description":  "Maximum per capita predator death rate",
        "value": 1.0