DARPA-ASKEM / sciml-service

Simulation Service provides an interface and job runner for ASKEM models.
MIT License
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Decapodes conversion to SciML fails for Halfar #141

Open djinnome opened 7 months ago

djinnome commented 7 months ago

<@U03T6HR1328> <@U03JKH9FNBE> <@U03TU2CFAQY> am now running into: ERROR: ArgumentError: cannot reinterpret an `ForwardDiff.Dual{nothing, Float64, 11}` array to `ForwardDiff.Dual{ForwardDiff.Tag{var"#39#40", Float64}, Float64, 12}` whose first dimension has size `99`. The resulting array would have non-integral first dimension. More details in thread. Am still investigating.

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