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Simulation Service provides an interface and job runner for ASKEM models.
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Harmonic Oscillator Decapode Calibration #177

Open jClugstor opened 1 month ago

jClugstor commented 1 month ago

An effort to create a very simple Decapode, to help simplify diagnosing autodiff through decapode issues. This is a 1-D harmonic oscillator Decapode:

using Catlab
using Catlab.Graphics
using CombinatorialSpaces
using Decapodes
using ComponentArrays

using Catlab
using Catlab.Graphics
using CombinatorialSpaces
using CombinatorialSpaces.ExteriorCalculus
using DiagrammaticEquations
using DiagrammaticEquations.Deca
using Decapodes
using GeometryBasics:Point1,Point2,Point3
using OrdinaryDiffEq

Point1D = Point1{Float64}
Point2D = Point2{Float64};
Point3D = Point3{Float64};

oscillator = @decapode begin


    ∂ₜ(X) == V
    ∂ₜ(V) == -k*(X)

decapode_code = gensim(oscillator, [:X, :k, :V], dimension = 1)

file = open("oscillator_code.jl", "w")
write(file, string("decapode_f = ", decapode_code))

x0 = [1.0]
v0 = [0.0]

u₀ = ComponentArray(X = x0, V = v0)
p = (k = 1.0,)
tₑ = 10

s_prime = EmbeddedDeltaSet1D{Bool, Point1D}()

s = EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex1D{Bool, Float64, Point1D}(s_prime)

function generate(operators,mesh)

fₘ = decapode_f(s, generate)

data_prob = ODEProblem{true, SciMLBase.FullSpecialize}(fₘ, u₀, (0, tₑ),p)
sol = solve(data_prob,Tsit5(), saveat = 0.1)
dat = vcat([u.X for u in sol.u]...)

using SciMLSensitivity, Zygote, Enzyme

function fake_loss(constants_and_parameters)
  prob = remake(data_prob, p = constants_and_parameters)
  soln = solve(prob, FBDF(autodiff = false))

  # return soln(tₑ)
  sum(last(soln)) # last, not soln(tₑ) because to avoid interpolation fails when AD fails.
Zygote.gradient(fake_loss, p)

Zygote.gradient(fake_loss,p) errors with

ArgumentError: cannot reinterpret an `ForwardDiff.Dual{nothing, Float64, 1}` array to `ForwardDiff.Dual{ForwardDiff.Tag{ODEFunction{true, SciMLBase.FullSpecialize, var"#f#7"{PreallocationTools.FixedSizeDiffCache{Vector{Float64}, Vector{ForwardDiff.Dual{nothing, Float64, 1}}}, PreallocationTools.FixedSizeDiffCache{Vector{Float64}, Vector{ForwardDiff.Dual{nothing, Float64, 1}}}}, LinearAlgebra.UniformScaling{Bool}, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, typeof(SciMLBase.DEFAULT_OBSERVED), Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing}, Float64}, Float64, 2}` whose first dimension has size `1`.
The resulting array would have non-integral first dimension.

is the ForwardDiff coming from the solver adjoint?

Anyways, setting the sensealg: soln = solve(prob, FBDF(autodiff = false),sensealg = SciMLSensitivity.ZygoteVJP) and running Zygote.gradient(fake_loss,p) gets a different error inside of Zygote: ERROR: ArgumentError: new: too few arguments (expected 49)

jClugstor commented 6 days ago

Still gives mismatched activity

not_decapode_f = begin
    function simulate()
            var"__•1" = PreallocationTools.FixedSizeDiffCache(Vector{Float64}(undef, 1))
            __V̇ = PreallocationTools.FixedSizeDiffCache(Vector{Float64}(undef, 1))
        let  var"__•1"=var"__•1", __V̇=__V̇
        f(du, u, p, t) = begin
                    X = u.X
                    k = p.k
                    V = u.V
                var"•1" = PreallocationTools.get_tmp(var"__•1", u)
                V̇ = PreallocationTools.get_tmp(__V̇, u)
                #var"•1" .= (.-)(k)
                map!(x -> .-x, var"•1",k)
                #V̇ .= var"•1" .* X
                copyto!(getproperty(du, :X),V)
                copyto!(getproperty(du, :V),V̇)
                #setproperty!(du,:X, V)
                #setproperty!(du,:V, V̇)
ERROR: Enzyme execution failed.
Mismatched activity for:   %.pn214 = phi {} addrspace(10)* [ %getfield, %L325 ], [ %43, %L332 ] const val:   %getfield = load atomic {} addrspace(10)*, {} addrspace(10)* addrspace(11)* %getfield_addr unordered, align 8, !dbg !25, !tbaa !22, !alias.scope !37, !noalias !40, !nonnull !17, !dereferenceable !45, !align !46
 value=Unknown object of type Vector{Float64}
 llvalue=  %getfield = load atomic {} addrspace(10)*, {} addrspace(10)* addrspace(11)* %getfield_addr unordered, align 8, !dbg !25, !tbaa !22, !alias.scope !37, !noalias !40, !nonnull !17, !dereferenceable !45, !align !46
You may be using a constant variable as temporary storage for active memory (https://enzyme.mit.edu/julia/stable/faq/#Activity-of-temporary-storage). If not, please open an issue, and either rewrite this variable to not be conditionally active or use Enzyme.API.runtimeActivity!(true) as a workaround for now

 [1] copyto!
   @ ./abstractarray.jl:1068
 [2] f
   @ ~/Documents/Work/dev/DecapodesAutoDiff/EnzymeFix/EnzymeFixMaps.jl:24

  [1] throwerr(cstr::Cstring)
    @ Enzyme.Compiler ~/.julia/packages/Enzyme/YQwVA/src/compiler.jl:1620
  [2] unalias
    @ ./abstractarray.jl:1481 [inlined]
  [3] copyto!
    @ ./abstractarray.jl:1067 [inlined]
  [4] f
    @ ~/Documents/Work/dev/DecapodesAutoDiff/EnzymeFix/EnzymeFixMaps.jl:24
  [5] ODEFunction
    @ ~/.julia/packages/SciMLBase/sakPO/src/scimlfunctions.jl:2296 [inlined]
  [6] #224
    @ ~/.julia/packages/SciMLSensitivity/4YtYh/src/quadrature_adjoint.jl:222 [inlined]
  [7] diffejulia__224_8189_inner_1wrap
    @ ~/.julia/packages/SciMLSensitivity/4YtYh/src/quadrature_adjoint.jl:0
  [8] macro expansion
    @ ~/.julia/packages/Enzyme/YQwVA/src/compiler.jl:6606 [inlined]
  [9] enzyme_call
    @ ~/.julia/packages/Enzyme/YQwVA/src/compiler.jl:6207 [inlined]
 [10] CombinedAdjointThunk
    @ ~/.julia/packages/Enzyme/YQwVA/src/compiler.jl:6084 [inlined]
 [11] autodiff
    @ ~/.julia/packages/Enzyme/YQwVA/src/Enzyme.jl:309 [inlined]
 [12] vec_pjac!(out::ComponentVector{…}, λ::Vector{…}, y::ComponentVector{…}, t::Float64, S::AdjointSensitivityIntegrand{…})
    @ SciMLSensitivity ~/.julia/packages/SciMLSensitivity/4YtYh/src/quadrature_adjoint.jl:297
 [13] AdjointSensitivityIntegrand
    @ ~/.julia/packages/SciMLSensitivity/4YtYh/src/quadrature_adjoint.jl:316 [inlined]
 [14] (::AdjointSensitivityIntegrand{…})(t::Float64)
    @ SciMLSensitivity ~/.julia/packages/SciMLSensitivity/4YtYh/src/quadrature_adjoint.jl:328
 [15] evalrule(f::AdjointSensitivityIntegrand{…}, a::Float64, b::Float64, x::Vector{…}, w::Vector{…}, gw::Vector{…}, nrm::typeof(LinearAlgebra.norm))
    @ QuadGK ~/.julia/packages/QuadGK/OtnWt/src/evalrule.jl:0
 [16] #6
    @ ~/.julia/packages/QuadGK/OtnWt/src/adapt.jl:15 [inlined]
 [17] ntuple
    @ ./ntuple.jl:48 [inlined]
 [18] do_quadgk(f::AdjointSensitivityIntegrand{…}, s::Tuple{…}, n::Int64, atol::Float64, rtol::Float64, maxevals::Int64, nrm::typeof(LinearAlgebra.norm), segbuf::Nothing)
    @ QuadGK ~/.julia/packages/QuadGK/OtnWt/src/adapt.jl:13
 [19] #50
    @ ~/.julia/packages/QuadGK/OtnWt/src/adapt.jl:253 [inlined]
 [20] handle_infinities(workfunc::QuadGK.var"#50#51"{…}, f::AdjointSensitivityIntegrand{…}, s::Tuple{…})
    @ QuadGK ~/.julia/packages/QuadGK/OtnWt/src/adapt.jl:145
 [21] quadgk(::AdjointSensitivityIntegrand{…}, ::Float64, ::Vararg{…}; atol::Float64, rtol::Float64, maxevals::Int64, order::Int64, norm::Function, segbuf::Nothing)
    @ QuadGK ~/.julia/packages/QuadGK/OtnWt/src/adapt.jl:252
 [22] _adjoint_sensitivities(sol::ODESolution{…}, sensealg::QuadratureAdjoint{…}, alg::Tsit5{…}; t::Vector{…}, dgdu_discrete::Function, dgdp_discrete::Nothing, dgdu_continuous::Nothing, dgdp_continuous::Nothing, g::Nothing, abstol::Float64, reltol::Float64, callback::Nothing, kwargs::@Kwargs{…})
    @ SciMLSensitivity ~/.julia/packages/SciMLSensitivity/4YtYh/src/quadrature_adjoint.jl:389
 [23] _adjoint_sensitivities
    @ ~/.julia/packages/SciMLSensitivity/4YtYh/src/quadrature_adjoint.jl:331 [inlined]
 [24] #adjoint_sensitivities#63
    @ ~/.julia/packages/SciMLSensitivity/4YtYh/src/sensitivity_interface.jl:401 [inlined]
 [25] (::SciMLSensitivity.var"#adjoint_sensitivity_backpass#308"{…})(Δ::ODESolution{…})
    @ SciMLSensitivity ~/.julia/packages/SciMLSensitivity/4YtYh/src/concrete_solve.jl:625
 [26] ZBack
    @ ~/.julia/packages/Zygote/nsBv0/src/compiler/chainrules.jl:211 [inlined]
 [27] (::Zygote.var"#291#292"{…})(Δ::ODESolution{…})
    @ Zygote ~/.julia/packages/Zygote/nsBv0/src/lib/lib.jl:206
 [28] (::Zygote.var"#2169#back#293"{…})(Δ::ODESolution{…})
    @ Zygote ~/.julia/packages/ZygoteRules/M4xmc/src/adjoint.jl:72
 [29] #solve#51
    @ ~/.julia/packages/DiffEqBase/c8MAQ/src/solve.jl:1003 [inlined]
 [30] (::Zygote.Pullback{…})(Δ::ODESolution{…})
    @ Zygote ~/.julia/packages/Zygote/nsBv0/src/compiler/interface2.jl:0
 [31] #291
    @ ~/.julia/packages/Zygote/nsBv0/src/lib/lib.jl:206 [inlined]
 [32] (::Zygote.var"#2169#back#293"{…})(Δ::ODESolution{…})
    @ Zygote ~/.julia/packages/ZygoteRules/M4xmc/src/adjoint.jl:72
 [33] solve
    @ ~/.julia/packages/DiffEqBase/c8MAQ/src/solve.jl:993 [inlined]
 [34] (::Zygote.Pullback{…})(Δ::ODESolution{…})
    @ Zygote ~/.julia/packages/Zygote/nsBv0/src/compiler/interface2.jl:0
 [35] fake_loss
    @ ~/Documents/Work/dev/DecapodesAutoDiff/EnzymeFix/EnzymeFixMaps.jl:52 [inlined]
 [36] (::Zygote.Pullback{Tuple{typeof(fake_loss), ComponentVector{Float64, Vector{…}, Tuple{…}}}, Any})(Δ::Float64)
    @ Zygote ~/.julia/packages/Zygote/nsBv0/src/compiler/interface2.jl:0
 [37] (::Zygote.var"#75#76"{Zygote.Pullback{Tuple{typeof(fake_loss), ComponentVector{…}}, Any}})(Δ::Float64)
    @ Zygote ~/.julia/packages/Zygote/nsBv0/src/compiler/interface.jl:91
 [38] gradient(f::Function, args::ComponentVector{Float64, Vector{Float64}, Tuple{Axis{(k = 1:1,)}}})
    @ Zygote ~/.julia/packages/Zygote/nsBv0/src/compiler/interface.jl:148
 [39] top-level scope
    @ ~/Documents/Work/dev/DecapodesAutoDiff/EnzymeFix/EnzymeFixMaps.jl:59
Some type information was truncated. Use `show(err)` to see complete types.
ChrisRackauckas commented 2 days ago

@wsmoses I don't quite understand this one.

wsmoses commented 2 days ago

Hm is this not an error saying to use runtime activity ? Due to some aliasing issue in the copy?

ChrisRackauckas commented 2 days ago

None of the arrays can be aliasing though, they are all given as different buffers.

wsmoses commented 2 days ago

Sure, but Julia doesn't know that

wsmoses commented 2 days ago

In particular in line 24 of your snippet it fails to statically prove this check won't be needed: https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/blob/4954197196d657d14edd3e9c61ac101866e6fa25/base/abstractarray.jl#L1067

wsmoses commented 2 days ago

@ChrisRackauckas not sure on the semantics of preallocationtools, but yo may be able to give it an Enzyme.EnzymeRules.noalias attribute [to specify that the return of PreallocationTools.get_tmp will never alias with any other memory buffer

ChrisRackauckas commented 2 days ago

There's no docs on the output and no test that uses it? I presume it outputs a bool?

@jClugstor can you try adding to the script:

EnzymeCore.EnzymeRules.noalias(::Typeof(PreallocationTools.get_tmp), args...) =  true
wsmoses commented 2 days ago

Yeah it’s super experimental rn but yeah. It’s used in cuda.jl rn if you want to take a look (who is its only user presently).

I am worried about the semantic mismatch here tho so I want to understand the guarantees provided by preallocationtools

ChrisRackauckas commented 2 days ago


It always builds its own cache buffers and then reinterprets those as needed for different types. So the cache construction ensures that the only way to get the same memory would be to get_tmp from the same buffer, which would just give incorrect results and so that wouldn't be a thing a user could actually do in a real code.