Open jClugstor opened 1 month ago
Originally the initial conditions had two very sharp corners. I changed it to a similar Gaussian, which fixed the problem I was having with out of domain errors for values of n
other than 3.0. It didn't fix the problem with getting a zero gradient. By dramatically increasing the value of the values inside of the A
array I can get a non-zero gradient. That does make the problem have non-physical parameters, but the gradient does work.
With this version of the parameters, I.C.s, and combination of sensealg and solvers we're able to get the gradient pretty snappily:
using Pkg
# AlgebraicJulia Dependencies
using Catlab
using Catlab.Graphics
using CombinatorialSpaces
using Decapodes
using ComponentArrays
# External Dependencies
using MLStyle
using MultiScaleArrays
using LinearAlgebra
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using JLD2
using SparseArrays
using Statistics
using GeometryBasics: Point2, Point3
Point2D = Point2{Float64};
Point3D = Point3{Float64};
using DiagrammaticEquations
using DiagrammaticEquations.Deca
@info("Packages Loaded")
# use NaNmath inside of here
halfar_eq2 = @decapode begin
ḣ == ∂ₜ(h)
ḣ == ∘(⋆, d, ⋆)(Γ * d(h) * avg₀₁(mag(♯(d(h)))^(n-1)) * avg₀₁(h^(n+2)))
glens_law = @decapode begin
Γ == (2/(n+2))*A*(ρ*g)^n
@info("Decapodes Defined")
ice_dynamics_composition_diagram = @relation () begin
ice_dynamics_cospan = oapply(ice_dynamics_composition_diagram,
[Open(halfar_eq2, [:Γ,:n]),
Open(glens_law, [:Γ,:n])])
ice_dynamics = apex(ice_dynamics_cospan)
ice_dynamics1D = expand_operators(ice_dynamics)
infer_types!(ice_dynamics1D, op1_inf_rules_1D, op2_inf_rules_1D)
resolve_overloads!(ice_dynamics1D, op1_res_rules_1D, op2_res_rules_1D)
s_prime = EmbeddedDeltaSet1D{Bool, Point2D}()
add_vertices!(s_prime, 100, point=Point2D.(range(-2, 2, length=100), 0))
add_edges!(s_prime, 1:nv(s_prime)-1, 2:nv(s_prime))
s = EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex1D{Bool, Float64, Point2D}(s_prime)
subdivide_duals!(s, Circumcenter())
@info("Spaces Defined")
function generate(sd, my_symbol; hodge=GeometricHodge())
op = @match my_symbol begin
:♯ => x -> begin
# This is an implementation of the "sharp" operator from the exterior
# calculus, which takes co-vector fields to vector fields.
# This could be up-streamed to the CombinatorialSpaces.jl library. (i.e.
# this operation is not bespoke to this simulation.)
e_vecs = map(edges(sd)) do e
point(sd, sd[e, :∂v0]) - point(sd, sd[e, :∂v1])
neighbors = map(vertices(sd)) do v
union(incident(sd, v, :∂v0), incident(sd, v, :∂v1))
n_vecs = map(neighbors) do es
[e_vecs[e] for e in es]
map(neighbors, n_vecs) do es, nvs
sum([nv * norm(nv) * x[e] for (e, nv) in zip(es, nvs)]) / sum(norm.(nvs))
:mag => x -> norm.(x)
x => error("Unmatched operator $my_symbol")
return (args...) -> op(args...)
decapode_code = gensim(ice_dynamics1D, dimension=1, preallocate = false)
file = open("ice_sheet1D.jl", "w")
write(file, string("decapode_f = ", decapode_code))
fₘ = decapode_f(s, generate)
function f(constants_and_parameters)
prob = ODEProblem{true, SciMLBase.FullSpecialize}(fₘ, u₀, (0, tₑ), constants_and_parameters)
soln = solve(prob, Tsit5())
# return soln(tₑ)
sum(last(soln)) # last, not soln(tₑ) because to avoid interpolation fails when AD fails.
#h₀ = map(x -> try sqrt(1. - x[1]^2) catch DomainError return 0.0 end, point(s_prime))
h₀ = map(x -> exp(-2*x[1]^2), point(s_prime))
flow_rate, ice_density, u_init_arr = 1e-3, 910., h₀
n = 3.0
ρ = ice_density
g = 9.8101
A = fill(flow_rate, ne(s))
tₑ = 8e3
u₀ = ComponentArray(dynamics_h = u_init_arr)
# Note that this must be a ComponentArray to differentiate
constants_and_parameters = ComponentArray(
n = n,
stress_ρ = ρ,
stress_g = g,
stress_A = A)
y = f(constants_and_parameters)
using Optimization, OptimizationPolyalgorithms, OptimizationBBO, OptimizationOptimJL
using SciMLSensitivity, Zygote, Enzyme, ReverseDiff, ForwardDiff
data_prob = ODEProblem{true, SciMLBase.FullSpecialize}(fₘ, u₀, (0, tₑ), constants_and_parameters)
decapode_sol = solve(data_prob, Tsit5())
reference_dat = last(decapode_sol).dynamics_h
function loss(u) #only compares last time step
newp = ComponentArray(n = n, stress_ρ = u[1], stress_g = g, stress_A = A)
prob = remake(data_prob, p = newp)
sol = solve(prob, FBDF(), sensealg = InterpolatingAdjoint(autodiff = true, autojacvec = true))
current_dat = last(sol).dynamics_h
sum(abs2, reference_dat .- current_dat)
Zygote.gradient(loss, [700.0])
If I try to use EnzymeVJP
, this is a portion of the stacktrace, since it's huge
Illegal updateAnalysis prev:{[-1]:Pointer, [-1,0]:Integer, [-1,1]:Integer, [-1,2]:Integer, [-1,3]:Integer, [-1,4]:Integer, [-1,5]:Integer, [-1,6]:Integer, [-1,7]:Integer} new: {[-1]:Pointer, [-1,0]:Float@double, [-1,8]:Float@double}
val: %134 = bitcast i8 addrspace(11)* %69 to i64 addrspace(11)*, !dbg !81 origin= %134 = bitcast i8 addrspace(11)* %69 to i64 addrspace(11)*, !dbg !81
MethodInstance for (::var"#15#24"{EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex1D{Bool, Float64, GeometryBasics.Point{2, Float64}}})(::Int64)
Caused by:
[1] #15
@ ~/Documents/Work/dev/DecapodeCalibrateDemos/GlacialFlow/glacialflow1D_calibrate_nonalloc.jl:79
This reproduces the problem I've been getting, the call to
and toZygote.gradient
will return all zeroes. This happens for any combination of sensealg and autodiff kwarg that I've tried.Status