DASISH / dwan-client-wiredmarker

DASISH Task 5.6. Client for annotation backend (Firefox)
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xml documents cannot be annotated #18

Open olhsha opened 10 years ago

olhsha commented 10 years ago

try to annotate an open access xml document: http://cqlservlet.mpi.nl/cqlservlet.mpi.nl/?operation=searchRetrieve&query=Bayern&version=1.1

As you see, when you press on "marker", say the red one, nothing happens on the . Annotation is not visible or does not exist. However, sometimes it is created on the backend, e.g. for the document http://catalog.clarin.eu/ds/ComponentRegistry/rest/registry/components/clarin.eu:cr1:c_1375880372985 (still not visible on the frontend).

Moreover, one can annotate annotations (xmlS) saved on the backend. See, e.g. https://lux17.mpi.nl/ds/webannotator/api/annotations/5c75a1b2-53c5-47d1-8488-b36f8f2debb5 which annotates my annotation by saying that it was made when I was in Rejkjavik