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A sample of vesioning workflow #75

Closed liuy97 closed 7 years ago

liuy97 commented 8 years ago

Refs #60, @hildeorten, if you have written this similar documentation, please let me know. Here is to create a sample of a practical sample of versioning system. This versioning workflow will help us to evaluate whether versioning system works correctly. In the following table, ID is an integer beginning from 1 for demo. One element always have and only have one ID. "isBusiness" stands for whether a version is a business version.

This workflow has been implemented in the demo in order understand Hilde's design. It can be tested from my github, whose backend is qddt.nsd.no.

Step 1, create a study

ID Element Revision Major Minor isBusiness Rational L1 Rational L2 Change Type
1 Study 0 1 0 Yes create create create

Step 2, update study label

ID Element Revision Major Minor isBusiness Rational L1 Rational L2 Change Type
1 Study 1 1 0 No MeaningChange Conceptual improvement WIP

Step 3, update study description

ID Element Revision Major Minor isBusiness Rational L1 Rational L2 Change Type
1 Study 2 1 0 No MeaningChange Conceptual improvement WIP

Step 4, Save as a Business version

ID Element Revision Major Minor isBusiness Rational L1 Rational L2 Change Type
1 Study 3 1 1 Yes

Step 5, Create a Topic for study

ID Element Revision Major Minor isBusiness Rational L1 Rational L2 Change Type
1 Study 3 1 1 Yes
2 Topic 0 1 0 Yes create create create
hildeorten commented 8 years ago

Issue #75 ref #60 • General comments regarding larger packing structures like Study and Module:

The use of rationale codes as displayed in your system would apply at the Concept level and for other versionable lower level elements question items etc. In contrast to the lower level elements structures like concepts, question items etc., higher packing structures like Study and Module need only a few business versions (even if there will be many revisions of them). The changes made to the Study or Module at the level of the lower elements should preferably be displayed. The user could then version the module by selecting one Change Type ‘Major’ vs. ‘Minor’.

• It should be possible to build an element step by step. For example you enter only the name first and save. This means that content elements should be optional, but at least one should be filled in or changed before a save. The user decides when to save this as a business version. Then the usage of rationale codes are mandatory. Incompleteness of the element may be allowed, but an alert from the machine to the user that the element is not complete may be useful.

• Revisions that are not business versions should always be followed by the rationale code ‘work in progress’, and should not lead to a business version change. Questions:

• The following EventTypes, and rationale codes at level 1 and 2 should be available in the tool:
Event types:
Create Add content element Remove content element Change Change rationale Level 1: -TypoOrNoMeaningChange (minor version Change rationale Level 2: Orthographical adjustment

               -WorkInProgress (equals a revision) 

• Please include definitions using tooltip etc. See attached document.

• If several changes is made before one save (batch versioning), users would like to document the changes by using more than one rationale code. See p. 24 in the Common metadata for the three DASISH tools document, p. 24 https://github.com/DASISH/survey-tools-metadata/blob/master/reports/DASISH%203.2%20Towards%20a%20common%20metadata%20understanding%20for%20the%20three%20DASISH%20WP3.2%20tools%202015_01_05_3.pdf. It should be possible to view each change to the element since the last business version and be able to assign more than one rationale code – one for each change. But there should only be one rationale description for each version of the element. See an example at attachment ‘3c.3_Versioning and rationale codes’. • Versioning should not have an own window. It should be possible to do the versioning in the window of each element.

• When an element has been changed the users need to decide about the meaning of a change. Please see the attached document ‘3b.2_Versioning policy for Concepts and Question Items draft v.0.3’.

It would be a great advantage if the users could select between all these alternatives (revision, version, new-based on and new) from the same window.

3c.3_Versioning and rationale codes.pptx

3b.2_Versioning policy for Concepts and Question Items draft v.0.3.docx

RationaleCode controlled vocabularies_2016-07-08.xlsx

sarah-city commented 8 years ago

Hi. I wanted to add my thoughts to Hilde's suggestions on versioning.

  1. I absolutely agree that it should be possible to version within same window as the element being versioned
  2. The current rationale codes available for versioning seem to mix up several things including whether somehting is a work in progress or not, the reason/type of change being versioned and "milestone" Milestones are to do with timing and publication - they shouldn't be included under versioning rationale codes
  3. I like the suggestion to allow the user to define whether something is a "work in progress" (no new business version required) or ready to be versioned. If we do this though, we will need to be able to see at a glance which elements are still works in progress and will require versioning before publication.
  4. I think it makes most sense to make the workflow a two stage process rather than trying to do all in one drop down menu ie. 1) Select the scale of the changes i.e. work in progess vs. version vs. newBasedon [User defined] 2) if applicable (i.,e. if its a version/newBasedon) to give rationale/type of change [User defined] 3) When versioning, whether something is designated a new minor vs. major version will be determined by the rationale code chosen e.g. typo (minor) vs. conceptual improvement (major)?

NB: If the scale of change is so big that something needs to become a new element then presumably we would just enter it as a new element rather than going through the versioning workflow?

  1. We discussed with Benjamin and agreed that it probably wouldn't make sense to version categories. Versioning would start with response domains
  2. We agreed in Bergen in May that question items repeated from previous ESS rounds (studies) would be designated "Newbasedon" in the new module. I am still not sure how this functionality is intended to work? Would it require a special rationale code?

(In general what is the workflow for creating a repeat module?)

  1. The option to add comments to versioning decisions/rationales is good and should be retained
  2. How am I able to view previous versions of an element? Can we set it up so that I click on that version in the history and it pops up? Would be good to be able to select a particular version - and comments associated with that version - to review.
sarah-city commented 8 years ago

Hi Yong.

Here are ESS HQ comments on the versioning workflow. We like this a lot - thank you.

Sarah Comments on versioning demo available 010816.docx

liuy97 commented 8 years ago

The other feedback is listed here:

A couple of questions re workflow:

  1. Presumably, once the basic set up is agreed this will be integrated into the main workflow for all versionable elements i.e. replace the current versioning functionality available for each concept, question item etc?
  2. We like that designating something a new item/new item based on automatically creates a new element in the list which can then be clicked on and edited. Where do these new/new based on elements appear in the module hierarchy? Presumably if we create a “new” question item, it will appear nested under the same concept as the original question item? Similarly, if we create a “new based on” subconcept, it will appear nested under the same top level concept as the original?

Versioning Policy

We still need to agree:

hildeorten commented 8 years ago

@liuy97 @StigNorland

Regarding a couple of questions re workflow.

  1. Stig, is Yongs versioning demo possible at the backend?
  2. Ad 2: See #116

Regarding the action points with tick boxes, last box, see attachment Suggestion for how a versioning history may look like.docx

StigNorland commented 8 years ago

It is not possible in the backend. (L1 and L2)

hildeorten commented 8 years ago

@StigNorland @liuy97

Would this be possible if the list is constructed as a flat list as in the examples below? MeaningChange.ConceptualImprovement MeaningChange.RealLifeChange MeaningChange.OtherChange

Would keys which contain separated meaning content like the below be supported by the back end? Based on this, could a front end similar to that of Yong be possible?

liuy97 commented 8 years ago

Yes, the list can be listed as a lat construction.

hildeorten commented 8 years ago

VersionDemo+ho-1.docx Save type5.docx

@liuy97 @StigNorland

To finalise the versioning system:

Please find the following attached:

BenjaminNSD commented 8 years ago

Last comment was moved to #63