An open-source system to let students experiment with relational data
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Initial version of README for M1 #119

Closed smurthys closed 7 years ago

smurthys commented 7 years ago

Created a version which can also be the home page for the ClassDB web site.

After the commit is merged to master, visit https://dassl.github.io/ClassDB/ to see the home page showing the contents of README

wildtayne commented 7 years ago

I like the content, however the links to the wiki don't seem to resolve when viewing the readme in the git repo.

smurthys commented 7 years ago

I see what is going on. It looks like all links have to be formatted as "external". I have edited the README.

If you don't mind approving it, we can see what the links actually do so we can understand. I am definitely encouraged that there might be a way to have MD files automatically show up as HTML.

afig commented 7 years ago

The pages looks nice, but there appears to be a couple of formatting issues. Wiki links do not transfer, and some text is formatted as a table where it should not be.