DASSL / Gradebook

Open-source product to provide a practical means for instructors to record student attendance and assessment
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Database object names are schema-qualified #74

Open smurthys opened 5 years ago

smurthys commented 5 years ago

Database objects such as tables, views, and functions are presently schema-qualified specifically with the schema name Gradebook, which requires each tenant to unnecessarily use a dedicated database for each tenant.

The better approach is to not schema-qualify object names and execute various object-creation and alteration scripts in the context of a tenant-specific schema.

The proposed revision also makes dev and testing easy because database objects can easily be created in temporary schemas.

The required change is rather simple: simply remove schema name from database object names. For example, replace all instances of the names Gradebook.Instructor and Gradebook.getScheduleDates with just Instructor and getScheduleDates, respectively.

jrm86 commented 5 years ago

To be addressed alongside #41