Open Grazulex opened 8 years ago
just copy the class and make different parameter names
I guess this won't work so well, as pager widgets are global. Going to other pages on single paginator will make all pagers to display other pages
we did not have such use case so far, but maybe adding public properties for parameter names would solve this in clean way. templates could use these parameters
If you want, I have update the Pagintion class :
class Pagination extends \ArrayIterator
* a default filter value for ANY filter option
* does not modify a query with this filter value.
* Use this value in filter select option
* @var string
public static $filterAny = 'any';
* this is an upper bound for max items per page
* if an user modifiers request uri limit to a crazy number
* that may impact the server performance. This number
* will ensure the limit
* @var integer
public static $maxPerPage = 500;
* Default pager options
* @var array
public static $defaults = [
* This callable will be called for every filter option
* found in the url: function (QueryBuilder $qb, $filterKey, $filterValue)
* The Pager checks whether the DQL has changed after calling
* handler. And if it did, it skips the default handling.
* You may throw the exception if this filter is not allowed.
* @var callable
'applyFilter' => null,
* This callable will be called for every sorter option
* found in the url: function (QueryBuilder $qb, $sorterKey, $direction)
* The Pager checks whether the DQL has changed after calling
* handler. And if it did, it skips the default handling.
* You may throw the exception if this sorter is not allowed.
* @var callable
'applySorter' => null,
* Default filters to apply ['key' => 'value'] array
* @var array
'filters' => [], // default filters to apply
* Default sorters to apply ['key' => 'direction'] array
* @var array
'sorters' => [], // default sorters to apply
* Page range for pagination
* @var integer
'range' => 10,
* Number of items per page
* @var integer
'limit' => 10,
'alias' => '',
* Pagination data values
* @var array
protected $pagination;
* Request query parameters
* @var array
protected $query;
* Currently used route name
* @var string
protected $route;
* Total item count
* @var integer
protected $count;
* items per page
* @var integer
protected $limit;
* Current page
* @var integer
protected $page;
protected $alias;
* Paginate given $qb based on $request
* accepts $options for customization for filters and sorters
* @param QueryBuilder $qb
* @param Request $request
* @param array $options
public function __construct(QueryBuilder $qb, Request $request, array $options = [])
extract(array_merge(self::$defaults, $options));
$params = array_merge($request->query->all(), $request->attributes->all());
foreach ($params as $key => $param) {
if (substr($key, 0, 1) == '_') {
// only one sorter may be used, from params or default
$params['sorters'] = isset($params['sorters']) ? $params['sorters'] : $sorters;
// merge default filters
$params['filters'] = array_merge($filters, isset($params['filters']) ? $params['filters'] : []);
$params['alias'] = isset($params['alias']) ? $params['alias'] : $alias;
$paginator = clone $qb;
if ($alias == $params['alias'])
$this->applyFilters($paginator, $params['filters'], $applyFilter);
$this->applySorters($paginator, $params['sorters'], $applySorter);
$counter = clone $paginator;
$this->page = max(abs(intval((isset($params['page']) ? $params['page'] : 1))), 1);
$this->limit = abs(intval((isset($params['limit']) ? $params['limit'] : $limit)));
// ensure upper bound
$this->limit = min($this->limit, self::$maxPerPage);
$this->count = intval($counter->getQuery()->getSingleScalarResult());
// Set page to last one if query is more than total
$this->page = max(min(intval(ceil($this->count / $this->limit)), $this->page), 1);
$paginator->setFirstResult(($this->page - 1) * $this->limit);
$this->route = $request->attributes->get('_route');
$this->query = $params;
$this->pagination = $this->buildPagination($this->page, $range);
* @return int
public function currentPage()
return $this->page;
* @return int
public function itemsPerPage()
return $this->limit;
public function query()
return $this->query;
public function route()
return $this->route;
public function total()
return $this->count;
public function pagination()
return $this->pagination;
protected function applySorters(QueryBuilder $qb, array $sorters, callable $handler = null)
foreach ($sorters as $key => $direction) {
// custom handling
if (null !== $handler) {
$dql = $qb->getDQL(); // will check for difference
call_user_func_array($handler, [$qb, $key, $direction]);
if ($qb->getDQL() !== $dql) {
continue; // custom sorter handler has handled the parameter
$qb->addOrderBy($key, in_array(strtoupper($direction), ['ASC', 'DESC']) ? $direction : 'ASC');
protected function applyFilters(QueryBuilder $qb, array $filters, callable $handler = null)
foreach ($filters as $key => $val) {
if ($val === self::$filterAny) {
if (null !== $handler) {
call_user_func_array($handler, [$qb, $key, $val]);
$name = preg_replace('/[^A-z]/', '_', $key);
$qb->andWhere($qb->expr()->{is_array($val) ? 'in' : 'eq'}($key, ':'.$name));
$qb->setParameter($name, $val);
protected function buildPagination($page, $range)
$pageCount = intval(ceil($this->total() / $this->limit));
$current = $page;
if ($range > $pageCount) {
$range = $pageCount;
$delta = ceil($range / 2);
if ($current - $delta > $pageCount - $range) {
$pages = range($pageCount - $range + 1, max($pageCount, 1));
} else {
if ($current - $delta < 0) {
$delta = $current;
$offset = $current - $delta;
$pages = range($offset + 1, $offset + $range);
$proximity = floor($range / 2);
$startPage = $current - $proximity;
$endPage = $current + $proximity;
if ($startPage < 1) {
$endPage = min($endPage + (1 - $startPage), $pageCount);
$startPage = 1;
if ($endPage > $pageCount) {
$startPage = max($startPage - ($endPage - $pageCount), 1);
$endPage = $pageCount;
$viewData = [
'last' => $pageCount,
'current' => $current,
'numItemsPerPage' => $this->limit,
'first' => 1,
'pageCount' => $pageCount,
'totalCount' => $this->total(),
'pageRange' => $range,
'startPage' => $startPage,
'endPage' => $endPage,
if ($current - 1 > 0) {
$viewData['previous'] = $current - 1;
if ($current + 1 <= $pageCount) {
$viewData['next'] = $current + 1;
$viewData['pagesInRange'] = $pages;
$viewData['firstPageInRange'] = min($pages);
$viewData['lastPageInRange'] = max($pages);
$viewData['currentItemCount'] = $this->count();
$viewData['firstItemNumber'] = (($current - 1) * $this->limit) + 1;
$viewData['lastItemNumber'] = $viewData['firstItemNumber'] + $viewData['currentItemCount'] - 1;
return $viewData;
With this new "alias" option, you can used different pagination on the same page
basically this bundle is so small that you can just copy the source code and adapt the way you like.
Hello, do you have a solution to put more paginator on the same page ?