DATA-DOG / go-sqlmock

Sql mock driver for golang to test database interactions
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sql.Out values are not set by mock database #209

Open jwenz723 opened 4 years ago

jwenz723 commented 4 years ago

I have a query that I run that has a few sql.Out parameters. Using go-sqlmock, it doesn't appear to be possible to have values injected into the Dest field of a sql.Out parameter when the query is executed.

174 added some functionality to make some sql.Out testing possible, but it doesn't appear to be possible to fully test these types of queries.

For example, here is my query I have in my code:

func (r mgRepo) ExecuteQuery(ctx context.Context, area model.Area, cluster string, requestCount int64) (*MyGlobalData, error) {
    var AvailableRangeStart int64
    var IDBlockSize int64
    _, err := r.db.QueryContext(
        sql.Named("TableName", area.String()),
        sql.Named("MinBlockSize", requestCount),
        sql.Named("AvailableRangeStart", sql.Out{Dest: &AvailableRangeStart}),
        sql.Named("IDBlockSize", sql.Out{Dest: &IDBlockSize}),
        sql.Named("RequestingServer", cluster),
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if AvailableRangeStart == 0 || IDBlockSize == 0 {
        return nil, errors.New("failed to retrieve block")
    return &MyGlobalData{
        RangeStart: AvailableRangeStart,
        RangeEnd:   AvailableRangeStart + IDBlockSize - 1,
    }, nil

This function validates that the AvailableRangeStart and IDBlockSize sql.Out parameters have been assigned (checks that they don't have the default value of 0), which means I can't run this function using a mock database without the errors.New("failed to retrieve block") error being returned.

Here is my test:

type CustomConverter struct{}

func (s CustomConverter) ConvertValue(v interface{}) (driver.Value, error) {
    if val, ok1 := v.(driver.NamedValue); ok1 {
        return val.Value, nil

    if val, ok := v.(sql.Out); ok {
        res := val.Dest.(*int64)
        return *res, nil
    return v, nil

func TestMgRepo_ExecuteQuery(t *testing.T) {
    converter := sqlmock.ValueConverterOption(CustomConverter{})
    db, mock, err := sqlmock.New(converter)
    if err != nil {
        t.Errorf("failed to create sql mock")

    a := int64(100)
    i := int64(10)

        sql.Named("TableName", "Contact_log"),
        sql.Named("MinBlockSize", int64(10)),
        sql.Named("AvailableRangeStart", sql.Out{Dest: &a}),
        sql.Named("IDBlockSize", sql.Out{Dest: &i}),
        sql.Named("RequestingServer", "test"),
    mgRepo := mgRepo{
        db:    db,
        sProc: "test",
    _, err = mgRepo.ExecuteQuery(context.Background(), model.Contact_log, "test", int64(10))
    assert.Nil(t, err)

Here is the test execution output:

=== RUN   TestMgRepo_ExecuteQuery
--- FAIL: TestMgRepo_ExecuteQuery (0.00s)
            Error Trace:    myGlobal_test.go:164
            Error:          Expected nil, but got: &errors.errorString{s:"Query 'test', arguments do not match: argument 2 expected [int64 - 100] does not match actual [int64 - 0]"}
            Test:           TestMgRepo_ExecuteQuery
l3pp4rd commented 4 years ago

Hi, maybe you can try and investigate what change needs to be added and submit a PR.