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bugzilla behaviour to check (Bugzilla Bug 247) #247

Open datexii opened 5 years ago

datexii commented 5 years ago

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Bugzilla Bug 247

Date: 2019-03-27T10:52:33+01:00 From: bugzilla admin <> To: bugzilla admin <> CC: @ingeniumfaber, @JoergFst

See also: Last updated: 2019-03-27T13:04:53+01:00

datexii commented 5 years ago

Comment 1312

Date: 2019-03-27 10:52:33 +0100 From: bugzilla admin <>

reported by mail by Joerg Freudstein

• When I create a new issue, the message is “Email sent to: none”. Shouldn’t some mail go out to someone?

• A new issue seems to start with the Status “CONFIRMED” which is probably not what we want.

• When creating a new issue, the “possible Duplicates” section mentions an DataError.

• What does the line in the administrative section of a bug (at its bottom) mean: “This bug blocked bug(s) 2.”? (see picture below next point) • And obviously, not all plattforms are known in the system, see second sentence in the picture below:

And I would strongly suggest to make a little bit more DATEX look and feel, by changing some colours and the DATEX logo.

datexii commented 5 years ago

Comment 1313

Date: 2019-03-27 11:14:21 +0100 From: @ingeniumfaber

Answers to reported behaviours below

• When I create a new issue, the message is “Email sent to: none”. Shouldn’t some mail go out to someone?

Answer: if you are reportee and assignee you won't be emailed the bug

• A new issue seems to start with the Status “CONFIRMED” which is probably not what we want.

Answer: if a bug is filed by a TMG member this is the default behaviour, the bug editor can update it when inputing if needed.

• When creating a new issue, the “possible Duplicates” section mentions an DataError.

Answer: this is apparently when the query returns no information to report similar bugs, will check if possible to update the message

• What does the line in the administrative section of a bug (at its bottom) mean: “This bug blocked bug(s) 2.”? (see picture below next point)

Answer: cant's check, will see in future keep this open

• And obviously, not all plattforms are known in the system, see second sentence in the picture below:

ANSWER: CANNOT see platoform in the form after editing, more information needed

And I would strongly suggest to make a little bit more DATEX look and feel, by changing some colours and the DATEX logo.

ANSWER: DATEX logo is visible in the signature of TMG members, that's the only personalisation on LOGO by administration, it seems, I will open a separate bug for this to be assigned to our webmaster to check for any better implementation of personalisation

datexii commented 5 years ago

Comment 1314

Date: 2019-03-27 11:41:11 +0100 From: @JoergFst

I will precise the issue with the platform:

In several of the imported bugs, at its bottom in the administrative section, you'll find this sentence:

"Unknown platform other. Setting to default platform "All"." (see for example

I also found this sentence with "Unknown platform CEN", but currently, I'm not able to identify, where that was.

It seems, that the Issue Source is not correctly recognised, but nevertheless, the Issue Source is set correct (for example, to 'other').

I think it's only an issue for the imported bugs, not for the new ones, so actually it does not cause too many harm.

datexii commented 5 years ago

Comment 1316

Date: 2019-03-27 13:04:53 +0100 From: @ingeniumfaber

OK I understand better now, the last comment is generated in import phase and in the import XML platform was wrongly set to "other" but platform "other" does not exist so in uploading it has been warned and updated to All. it can be confusing I understand, we need to ignore importing comments and in case refer to original bug at URL field