DBChoco / Muezzin

A prayer times (Adhan) and Quran app for Windows, macOS and GNU/Linux.
MIT License
139 stars 17 forks source link

Run on startup not working #37

Open ahmedabdirahman opened 1 year ago

ahmedabdirahman commented 1 year ago

Salam! I am not able to get the app to run on start up. I have tried:

Is there anything else I can try? Is this just another result of the app not being signed? Thank you!

DBChoco commented 1 year ago

Wa Alaykoum Assalam !

I honestly have no clue about why it wouldn't work, I'm quite terrible at Windows stuff :P I'll keep the issue opened inshaAllah, perhaps we can fix it some day or somebody more knowledgeable than me might help you; sorry for the trouble

ahmedabdirahman commented 1 year ago

Looks like the reason it can't is because it needs to be run in admin: https://www.reddit.com/r/ElgatoGaming/comments/9tl2n6/streamdeck_software_not_starting_at_boot/

DBChoco commented 1 year ago

I'm a complete newbie on Windows, does the app have to run in admin to start ?

Antonomasia3rd commented 1 year ago

Wa Alaikum Salam

allow me to respond to the issue 👀

muezzin by default does not run as admin that just makes the app dangerous

verify if you can see "muezzin" on Task Manager (open Task Manager > Startup) make sure the "Command line" is set to C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Programs\muezzin\muezzin.exe image

please let me know if you need any tutorials, Insha'Allah i will help (if i'm online on GitHub again)