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[Feature Request] Adding a "member/ contributor" Tag to project pages? #61

Open GeneralJist opened 8 years ago

GeneralJist commented 8 years ago

Greetings, I was wondering if it would be possible to add such a tag to pages that are controlled by "company pages".

This is to allow the community to be able to identify who else is also working on the project, if they don't fall under the "creator" or "author" categories.

Up until recently, I had assumed the "creator" tag covered this, and is why I encouraged all my members to join the "company page".

As of now, the only way the community can figure out who these people might be, is by how they respond to comments. At times, it;s uncertain if they are actually on the team, or if they are just a helpful community member. (or they could cross reference with the company page, something I'd assume is rarely done.)

That is the fundamental request, contributor/ member or another suitable tag, that would appear wherever they posted.

This allows and encourages company page use, and could drive traffic to individual members a bit more, to see who else is on the team. This may also be a potential way to informally track credit to any given company page product.

An advanced option of this might even integrate, and retrieve the "position" field of the person from the company members list, but that could be more complex, and non standardized. And if they wanted to look up what they specifically did, they could just go to the company page and look. I could also see non professional individuals joking around, and abusing the system.

I'd discourage this for "Group" pages, since it may get way to messy too quick...

Have no idea if former company page members would be also identified, if it's tracked anywhere at all, but that might be an extraneous variable to consider. Retroactive integration may also be another variable that is up in the air....

Page Forum integration may or may not be possible, and should be set aside and evaluated separately, since I'd think most teams that use company pages may be big enough to have their own separate website and forums. (or at least in a position to potentially consider it.) Furthermore, there are already page forum tags.

Thanks for your time and consideration -Eric/Jist