DBraun / PyTorchTOP

GPU PyTorch TOP in TouchDesigner with CUDA-enabled OpenCV
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Fatal Errors During OpenCV Build #15

Closed NairoDorian closed 3 years ago

NairoDorian commented 3 years ago

Hello again, thank you so much for opening a branch for the style transfer! I've been trying to build the OpenCV to get the world .dll for a few days now, each time getting different errors and finding a fix for errors along the way. I've used Visual Studio only once before and to be honest I'm a little lost around here I've googled my last error but can't fix it...

I'm getting lots of this " LNK1181 cannot open input file '....\lib\Release\opencv_world451.lib' "and FAILED Building reports so I ended up building 3 of 4 times without getting any .dll in the release folder... all of this takes time and I was wondering maybe you got a quick fix for this :)

I'm only getting an "opencv_videoio_ffmpeg451_64.dll" in the release folder after building with lots of errors


NairoDorian commented 3 years ago

I get this after clicking CONFIGURE in CMake : Is this normal?

'Selecting Windows SDK version 10.0.18362.0 to target Windows 10.0.19042. The CXX compiler identification is MSVC 19.28.29336.0 The C compiler identification is MSVC 19.28.29336.0 Detecting CXX compiler ABI info Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done Check for working CXX compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.28.29333/bin/Hostx64/x64/cl.exe - skipped Detecting CXX compile features Detecting CXX compile features - done Detecting C compiler ABI info Detecting C compiler ABI info - done Check for working C compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.28.29333/bin/Hostx64/x64/cl.exe - skipped Detecting C compile features Detecting C compile features - done Detected processor: AMD64 Found PythonInterp: C:/Users/Z/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/python.exe (found suitable version "3.9.1", minimum required is "2.7") CMake Warning at cmake/OpenCVDetectPython.cmake:81 (message): CMake's 'find_host_package(PythonInterp 2.7)' found wrong Python version:



Consider providing the 'PYTHON2_EXECUTABLE' variable via CMake command line or environment variables

Call Stack (most recent call first): cmake/OpenCVDetectPython.cmake:271 (find_python) CMakeLists.txt:611 (include)

Could NOT find Python2 (missing: Python2_EXECUTABLE Interpreter) Reason given by package: Interpreter: Wrong major version for the interpreter "C:/Users/Z/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/python.exe"

Found PythonInterp: C:/Users/Z/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/python.exe (found suitable version "3.9.1", minimum required is "3.2") Found PythonLibs: C:/Users/Z/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/libs/python39.lib (found suitable exact version "3.9.1") Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FP:PRECISE Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FP:PRECISE - Success Performing Test HAVE_C_FP:PRECISE Performing Test HAVE_C_FP:PRECISE - Success Performing Test HAVE_CPU_SSE3_SUPPORT (check file: cmake/checks/cpu_sse3.cpp) Performing Test HAVE_CPU_SSE3_SUPPORT - Success Performing Test HAVE_CPU_SSSE3_SUPPORT (check file: cmake/checks/cpu_ssse3.cpp) Performing Test HAVE_CPU_SSSE3_SUPPORT - Success Performing Test HAVE_CPU_SSE4_1_SUPPORT (check file: cmake/checks/cpu_sse41.cpp) Performing Test HAVE_CPU_SSE4_1_SUPPORT - Success Performing Test HAVE_CPU_POPCNT_SUPPORT (check file: cmake/checks/cpu_popcnt.cpp) Performing Test HAVE_CPU_POPCNT_SUPPORT - Success Performing Test HAVE_CPU_SSE4_2_SUPPORT (check file: cmake/checks/cpu_sse42.cpp) Performing Test HAVE_CPU_SSE4_2_SUPPORT - Success Performing Test HAVE_CXX_ARCH:AVX (check file: cmake/checks/cpu_fp16.cpp) Performing Test HAVE_CXX_ARCH:AVX - Success Performing Test HAVE_CXX_ARCH:AVX2 (check file: cmake/checks/cpu_avx2.cpp) Performing Test HAVE_CXX_ARCH:AVX2 - Success Performing Test HAVE_CXX_ARCH:AVX512 (check file: cmake/checks/cpu_avx512.cpp) Performing Test HAVE_CXX_ARCH:AVX512 - Success Performing Test HAVE_CPU_BASELINE_FLAGS Performing Test HAVE_CPU_BASELINE_FLAGS - Success Performing Test HAVE_CPU_DISPATCH_FLAGS_SSE4_1 Performing Test HAVE_CPU_DISPATCH_FLAGS_SSE4_1 - Success Performing Test HAVE_CPU_DISPATCH_FLAGS_SSE4_2 Performing Test HAVE_CPU_DISPATCH_FLAGS_SSE4_2 - Success Performing Test HAVE_CPU_DISPATCH_FLAGS_FP16 Performing Test HAVE_CPU_DISPATCH_FLAGS_FP16 - Success Performing Test HAVE_CPU_DISPATCH_FLAGS_AVX Performing Test HAVE_CPU_DISPATCH_FLAGS_AVX - Success Performing Test HAVE_CPU_DISPATCH_FLAGS_AVX2 Performing Test HAVE_CPU_DISPATCH_FLAGS_AVX2 - Success Performing Test HAVE_CPU_DISPATCH_FLAGS_AVX512_SKX Performing Test HAVE_CPU_DISPATCH_FLAGS_AVX512_SKX - Success Check if the system is big endian Searching 16 bit integer Looking for sys/types.h Looking for sys/types.h - found Looking for stdint.h Looking for stdint.h - found Looking for stddef.h Looking for stddef.h - found Check size of unsigned short Check size of unsigned short - done Searching 16 bit integer - Using unsigned short Check if the system is big endian - little endian Looking for fseeko Looking for fseeko - not found Check size of off64_t Check size of off64_t - failed libjpeg-turbo: VERSION = 2.0.6, BUILD = opencv-4.5.1-libjpeg-turbo Check size of size_t Check size of size_t - done Check size of unsigned long Check size of unsigned long - done Looking for include file intrin.h Looking for include file intrin.h - found Looking for assert.h Looking for assert.h - found Looking for fcntl.h Looking for fcntl.h - found Looking for inttypes.h Looking for inttypes.h - found Looking for io.h Looking for io.h - found Looking for limits.h Looking for limits.h - found Looking for malloc.h Looking for malloc.h - found Looking for memory.h Looking for memory.h - found Looking for search.h Looking for search.h - found Looking for string.h Looking for string.h - found Performing Test C_HAS_inline Performing Test C_HAS_inline - Success Check size of signed short Check size of signed short - done Check size of unsigned short Check size of unsigned short - done Check size of signed int Check size of signed int - done Check size of unsigned int Check size of unsigned int - done Check size of signed long Check size of signed long - done Check size of signed long long Check size of signed long long - done Check size of unsigned long long Check size of unsigned long long - done Check size of unsigned char Check size of unsigned char - done Check size of ptrdiff_t Check size of ptrdiff_t - done Looking for memmove Looking for memmove - not found Looking for setmode Looking for setmode - found Looking for strcasecmp Looking for strcasecmp - not found Looking for strchr Looking for strchr - found Looking for strrchr Looking for strrchr - found Looking for strstr Looking for strstr - found Looking for strtol Looking for strtol - found Looking for strtol Looking for strtol - found Looking for strtoull Looking for strtoull - found Looking for lfind Looking for lfind - found Performing Test HAVE_SNPRINTF Performing Test HAVE_SNPRINTF - Success Check if the system is big endian Searching 16 bit integer Searching 16 bit integer - Using unsigned short Check if the system is big endian - little endian Performing Test HAVE_C_STD_C99 Performing Test HAVE_C_STD_C99 - Failed Could NOT find OpenJPEG (minimal suitable version: 2.0, recommended version >= 2.3.1). OpenJPEG will be built from sources OpenJPEG: VERSION = 2.3.1, BUILD = opencv-4.5.1-openjp2-2.3.1 Check if the system is big endian Searching 16 bit integer Searching 16 bit integer - Using unsigned short Check if the system is big endian - little endian Looking for stdlib.h Looking for stdlib.h - found Looking for stdio.h Looking for stdio.h - found Looking for math.h Looking for math.h - found Looking for float.h Looking for float.h - found Looking for time.h Looking for time.h - found Looking for stdarg.h Looking for stdarg.h - found Looking for ctype.h Looking for ctype.h - found Looking for stdint.h Looking for stdint.h - found Looking for inttypes.h Looking for inttypes.h - found Looking for strings.h Looking for strings.h - not found Looking for sys/stat.h Looking for sys/stat.h - found Looking for unistd.h Looking for unistd.h - not found Looking for include file malloc.h Looking for include file malloc.h - found Looking for _aligned_malloc Looking for _aligned_malloc - found Looking for posix_memalign Looking for posix_memalign - not found Looking for memalign Looking for memalign - not found OpenJPEG libraries will be built from sources: libopenjp2 (version "2.3.1") IPPICV: Download: ippicv_2020_win_intel64_20191018_general.zip found Intel IPP (ICV version): 2020.0.0 [2020.0.0 Gold] at: C:/Users/Z/Downloads/PROJECTS/FastNeuralStyleTransferPyTorchTOP/Building/opencv-4.5.1/build/3rdparty/ippicv/ippicv_win/icv found Intel IPP Integration Wrappers sources: 2020.0.0 at: C:/Users/Z/Downloads/PROJECTS/FastNeuralStyleTransferPyTorchTOP/Building/opencv-4.5.1/build/3rdparty/ippicv/ippicv_win/iw Could not find OpenBLAS include. Turning OpenBLAS_FOUND off Could not find OpenBLAS lib. Turning OpenBLASFOUND off Looking for sgemm Looking for sgemm_ - not found Found Threads: TRUE
Could NOT find BLAS (missing: BLAS_LIBRARIES) Could NOT find LAPACK (missing: LAPACK_LIBRARIES) Reason given by package: LAPACK could not be found because dependency BLAS could not be found.

Could NOT find JNI (missing: JAVA_AWT_LIBRARY JAVA_JVM_LIBRARY JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH2 JAVA_AWT_INCLUDE_PATH) VTK is not found. Please set -DVTK_DIR in CMake to VTK build directory, or to VTK install subdirectory with VTKConfig.cmake file ADE: Download: v0.1.1f.zip OpenCV Python: during development append to PYTHONPATH: C:/Users/Z/Downloads/PROJECTS/FastNeuralStyleTransferPyTorchTOP/Building/opencv-4.5.1/build/python_loader FFMPEG: Download: opencv_videoio_ffmpeg.dll FFMPEG: Download: opencv_videoio_ffmpeg_64.dll FFMPEG: Download: ffmpeg_version.cmake Looking for mfapi.h Looking for mfapi.h - found Looking for d3d11_4.h Looking for d3d11_4.h - found Allocator metrics storage type: 'long long' Registering hook 'INIT_MODULE_SOURCES_opencv_dnn': C:/Users/Z/Downloads/PROJECTS/FastNeuralStyleTransferPyTorchTOP/Building/opencv-4.5.1/modules/dnn/cmake/hooks/INIT_MODULE_SOURCES_opencv_dnn.cmake opencv_dnn: filter out cuda4dnn source code CMake Warning at cmake/OpenCVGenSetupVars.cmake:54 (message): CONFIGURATION IS NOT SUPPORTED: validate setupvars script in install directory Call Stack (most recent call first): CMakeLists.txt:985 (include)

General configuration for OpenCV 4.5.1 ===================================== Version control: unknown

Platform: Timestamp: 2021-02-07T16:33:18Z Host: Windows 10.0.19042 AMD64 CMake: 3.19.4 CMake generator: Visual Studio 16 2019 CMake build tool: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Community/MSBuild/Current/Bin/MSBuild.exe MSVC: 1928

CPU/HW features: Baseline: SSE SSE2 SSE3 requested: SSE3 Dispatched code generation: SSE4_1 SSE4_2 FP16 AVX AVX2 AVX512_SKX requested: SSE4_1 SSE4_2 AVX FP16 AVX2 AVX512_SKX SSE4_1 (17 files): + SSSE3 SSE4_1 SSE4_2 (2 files): + SSSE3 SSE4_1 POPCNT SSE4_2 FP16 (1 files): + SSSE3 SSE4_1 POPCNT SSE4_2 FP16 AVX AVX (5 files): + SSSE3 SSE4_1 POPCNT SSE4_2 AVX AVX2 (31 files): + SSSE3 SSE4_1 POPCNT SSE4_2 FP16 FMA3 AVX AVX2 AVX512_SKX (7 files): + SSSE3 SSE4_1 POPCNT SSE4_2 FP16 FMA3 AVX AVX2 AVX_512F AVX512_COMMON AVX512_SKX

C/C++: Built as dynamic libs?: YES C++ standard: 11 C++ Compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.28.29333/bin/Hostx64/x64/cl.exe (ver 19.28.29336.0) C++ flags (Release): /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /W4 /GR /D _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /D _SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /Gy /bigobj /Oi /fp:precise /EHa /wd4127 /wd4251 /wd4324 /wd4275 /wd4512 /wd4589 /MP /MD /O2 /Ob2 /DNDEBUG C++ flags (Debug): /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /W4 /GR /D _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /D _SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /Gy /bigobj /Oi /fp:precise /EHa /wd4127 /wd4251 /wd4324 /wd4275 /wd4512 /wd4589 /MP /MDd /Zi /Ob0 /Od /RTC1 C Compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.28.29333/bin/Hostx64/x64/cl.exe C flags (Release): /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /W3 /D _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /D _SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /Gy /bigobj /Oi /fp:precise /MP /MD /O2 /Ob2 /DNDEBUG C flags (Debug): /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /W3 /D _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /D _SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /Gy /bigobj /Oi /fp:precise /MP /MDd /Zi /Ob0 /Od /RTC1 Linker flags (Release): /machine:x64 /INCREMENTAL:NO Linker flags (Debug): /machine:x64 /debug /INCREMENTAL ccache: NO Precompiled headers: YES Extra dependencies: 3rdparty dependencies:

OpenCV modules: To be built: calib3d core dnn features2d flann gapi highgui imgcodecs imgproc ml objdetect photo python3 stitching ts video videoio Disabled: world Disabled by dependency: - Unavailable: java python2 Applications: tests perf_tests apps Documentation: NO Non-free algorithms: NO

Windows RT support: NO

GUI: Win32 UI: YES VTK support: NO

Media I/O: ZLib: build (ver 1.2.11) JPEG: build-libjpeg-turbo (ver 2.0.6-62) WEBP: build (ver encoder: 0x020f) PNG: build (ver 1.6.37) TIFF: build (ver 42 - 4.0.10) JPEG 2000: build (ver 2.3.1) OpenEXR: build (ver 2.3.0) HDR: YES SUNRASTER: YES PXM: YES PFM: YES

Video I/O: DC1394: NO FFMPEG: YES (prebuilt binaries) avcodec: YES (58.91.100) avformat: YES (58.45.100) avutil: YES (56.51.100) swscale: YES (5.7.100) avresample: YES (4.0.0) GStreamer: NO DirectShow: YES Media Foundation: YES DXVA: YES

Parallel framework: Concurrency

Trace: YES (with Intel ITT)

Other third-party libraries: Intel IPP: 2020.0.0 Gold [2020.0.0] at: C:/Users/Z/Downloads/PROJECTS/FastNeuralStyleTransferPyTorchTOP/Building/opencv-4.5.1/build/3rdparty/ippicv/ippicv_win/icv Intel IPP IW: sources (2020.0.0) at: C:/Users/Z/Downloads/PROJECTS/FastNeuralStyleTransferPyTorchTOP/Building/opencv-4.5.1/build/3rdparty/ippicv/ippicv_win/iw Lapack: NO Eigen: NO Custom HAL: NO Protobuf: build (3.5.1)

OpenCL: YES (NVD3D11) Include path: C:/Users/Z/Downloads/PROJECTS/FastNeuralStyleTransferPyTorchTOP/Building/opencv-4.5.1/3rdparty/include/opencl/1.2 Link libraries: Dynamic load

Python 3: Interpreter: C:/Users/Z/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/python.exe (ver 3.9.1) Libraries: C:/Users/Z/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/libs/python39.lib (ver 3.9.1) numpy: C:/Users/Z/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/lib/site-packages/numpy/core/include (ver 1.20.0) install path: C:/Users/Z/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/Lib/site-packages/cv2/python-3.9

Python (for build): C:/Users/Z/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/python.exe

ant: NO JNI: NO Java wrappers: NO Java tests: NO

Install to: C:/Users/Z/Downloads/PROJECTS/FastNeuralStyleTransferPyTorchTOP/Building/opencv-4.5.1/build/install

Configuring done'

NairoDorian commented 3 years ago

After Clicking on GENERATE:

'Selecting Windows SDK version 10.0.18362.0 to target Windows 10.0.19042. Detected processor: AMD64 Found PythonInterp: C:/Users/Z/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/python.exe (found suitable version "3.9.1", minimum required is "2.7") libjpeg-turbo: VERSION = 2.0.6, BUILD = opencv-4.5.1-libjpeg-turbo Could NOT find OpenJPEG (minimal suitable version: 2.0, recommended version >= 2.3.1). OpenJPEG will be built from sources OpenJPEG: VERSION = 2.3.1, BUILD = opencv-4.5.1-openjp2-2.3.1 OpenJPEG libraries will be built from sources: libopenjp2 (version "2.3.1") found Intel IPP (ICV version): 2020.0.0 [2020.0.0 Gold] at: C:/Users/Z/Downloads/PROJECTS/FastNeuralStyleTransferPyTorchTOP/Building/opencv-4.5.1/build/3rdparty/ippicv/ippicv_win/icv found Intel IPP Integration Wrappers sources: 2020.0.0 at: C:/Users/Z/Downloads/PROJECTS/FastNeuralStyleTransferPyTorchTOP/Building/opencv-4.5.1/build/3rdparty/ippicv/ippicv_win/iw Found CUDNN: C:/Program Files/NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit/CUDA/v11.0/lib/x64/cudnn.lib (found suitable version "8.1.0", minimum required is "7.5") CUDA detected: 11.0 CUDA NVCC target flags: -gencode;arch=compute_35,code=sm_35;-gencode;arch=compute_37,code=sm_37;-gencode;arch=compute_50,code=sm_50;-gencode;arch=compute_52,code=sm_52;-gencode;arch=compute_60,code=sm_60;-gencode;arch=compute_61,code=sm_61;-gencode;arch=compute_70,code=sm_70;-gencode;arch=compute_75,code=sm_75;-gencode;arch=compute_80,code=sm_80;-D_FORCE_INLINES CUDA: MSVS generator is detected. Disabling CMake re-run checks (CMAKE_SUPPRESS_REGENERATION=ON). You need to run CMake manually if updates are required. Could not find OpenBLAS include. Turning OpenBLAS_FOUND off Could not find OpenBLAS lib. Turning OpenBLAS_FOUND off Could NOT find BLAS (missing: BLAS_LIBRARIES) Could NOT find LAPACK (missing: LAPACK_LIBRARIES) Reason given by package: LAPACK could not be found because dependency BLAS could not be found.

Could NOT find JNI (missing: JAVA_AWT_LIBRARY JAVA_JVM_LIBRARY JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH2 JAVA_AWT_INCLUDE_PATH) VTK is not found. Please set -DVTK_DIR in CMake to VTK build directory, or to VTK install subdirectory with VTKConfig.cmake file OpenCV Python: during development append to PYTHONPATH: C:/Users/Z/Downloads/PROJECTS/FastNeuralStyleTransferPyTorchTOP/Building/opencv-4.5.1/build/python_loader Module opencv_alphamat disabled because the following dependencies are not found: Eigen Caffe: NO Protobuf: NO Glog: NO freetype2: NO harfbuzz: NO Julia not found. Not compiling Julia Bindings. Module opencv_ovis disabled because OGRE3D was not found No preference for use of exported gflags CMake configuration set, and no hints for include/library directories provided. Defaulting to preferring an installed/exported gflags CMake configuration if available. Failed to find installed gflags CMake configuration, searching for gflags build directories exported with CMake. Failed to find gflags - Failed to find an installed/exported CMake configuration for gflags, will perform search for installed gflags components. Failed to find gflags - Could not find gflags include directory, set GFLAGS_INCLUDE_DIR to directory containing gflags/gflags.h Failed to find glog - Could not find glog include directory, set GLOG_INCLUDE_DIR to directory containing glog/logging.h Module opencv_sfm disabled because the following dependencies are not found: Eigen Glog/Gflags Tesseract: NO Processing WORLD modules... module opencv_cudev... module opencv_core... Allocator metrics storage type: 'long long' module opencv_cudaarithm... module opencv_flann... module opencv_imgproc... module opencv_intensity_transform... module opencv_ml... module opencv_phase_unwrapping... module opencv_plot... module opencv_quality... module opencv_reg... module opencv_surface_matching... module opencv_cudafilters... module opencv_cudaimgproc... module opencv_cudawarping... module opencv_dnn... Registering hook 'INIT_MODULE_SOURCES_opencv_dnn': C:/Users/Z/Downloads/PROJECTS/FastNeuralStyleTransferPyTorchTOP/Building/opencv-4.5.1/modules/dnn/cmake/hooks/INIT_MODULE_SOURCES_opencv_dnn.cmake opencv_dnn: filter out cuda4dnn source code module opencv_dnn_superres... module opencv_features2d... module opencv_fuzzy... module opencv_hfs... module opencv_imgcodecs... module opencv_line_descriptor... module opencv_photo... module opencv_saliency... module opencv_text... module opencv_videoio... module opencv_xphoto... module opencv_calib3d... module opencv_cudacodec... module opencv_cudafeatures2d... module opencv_cudastereo... module opencv_datasets... module opencv_highgui... module opencv_mcc... module opencv_objdetect... module opencv_rapid... module opencv_rgbd... rgbd: CERES support is disabled. Ceres Solver is Required for Posegraph optimization module opencv_shape... module opencv_structured_light... module opencv_video... module opencv_xfeatures2d... xfeatures2d/boostdesc: Download: boostdesc_bgm.i xfeatures2d/boostdesc: Download: boostdesc_bgm_bi.i xfeatures2d/boostdesc: Download: boostdesc_bgm_hd.i xfeatures2d/boostdesc: Download: boostdesc_binboost_064.i xfeatures2d/boostdesc: Download: boostdesc_binboost_128.i xfeatures2d/boostdesc: Download: boostdesc_binboost_256.i xfeatures2d/boostdesc: Download: boostdesc_lbgm.i xfeatures2d/vgg: Download: vgg_generated_48.i xfeatures2d/vgg: Download: vgg_generated_64.i xfeatures2d/vgg: Download: vgg_generated_80.i xfeatures2d/vgg: Download: vgg_generated_120.i module opencv_ximgproc... module opencv_xobjdetect... module opencv_aruco... module opencv_bgsegm... module opencv_bioinspired... module opencv_ccalib... module opencv_cudabgsegm... module opencv_cudalegacy... module opencv_cudaobjdetect... module opencv_dnn_objdetect... module opencv_dpm... module opencv_face... data: Download: face_landmark_model.dat module opencv_gapi... module opencv_optflow... module opencv_stitching... module opencv_tracking... module opencv_cudaoptflow... NVIDIA_OPTICAL_FLOW: Download: 79c6cee80a2df9a196f20afd6b598a9810964c32.zip module opencv_stereo... module opencv_superres... module opencv_videostab... Processing WORLD modules... DONE CMake Warning at cmake/OpenCVGenSetupVars.cmake:54 (message): CONFIGURATION IS NOT SUPPORTED: validate setupvars script in install directory Call Stack (most recent call first): CMakeLists.txt:985 (include)

General configuration for OpenCV 4.5.1 ===================================== Version control: unknown

Extra modules: Location (extra): C:/Users/Z/Downloads/PROJECTS/FastNeuralStyleTransferPyTorchTOP/Building/opencv_contrib-4.5.1/modules Version control (extra): unknown

Platform: Timestamp: 2021-02-07T16:33:18Z Host: Windows 10.0.19042 AMD64 CMake: 3.19.4 CMake generator: Visual Studio 16 2019 CMake build tool: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Community/MSBuild/Current/Bin/MSBuild.exe MSVC: 1928

CPU/HW features: Baseline: SSE SSE2 SSE3 requested: SSE3 Dispatched code generation: SSE4_1 SSE4_2 FP16 AVX AVX2 AVX512_SKX requested: SSE4_1 SSE4_2 AVX FP16 AVX2 AVX512_SKX SSE4_1 (17 files): + SSSE3 SSE4_1 SSE4_2 (2 files): + SSSE3 SSE4_1 POPCNT SSE4_2 FP16 (1 files): + SSSE3 SSE4_1 POPCNT SSE4_2 FP16 AVX AVX (5 files): + SSSE3 SSE4_1 POPCNT SSE4_2 AVX AVX2 (31 files): + SSSE3 SSE4_1 POPCNT SSE4_2 FP16 FMA3 AVX AVX2 AVX512_SKX (7 files): + SSSE3 SSE4_1 POPCNT SSE4_2 FP16 FMA3 AVX AVX2 AVX_512F AVX512_COMMON AVX512_SKX

C/C++: Built as dynamic libs?: YES C++ standard: 11 C++ Compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.28.29333/bin/Hostx64/x64/cl.exe (ver 19.28.29336.0) C++ flags (Release): /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /W4 /GR /D _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /D _SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /Gy /bigobj /Oi /fp:precise /EHa /wd4127 /wd4251 /wd4324 /wd4275 /wd4512 /wd4589 /MP /MD /O2 /Ob2 /DNDEBUG C++ flags (Debug): /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /W4 /GR /D _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /D _SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /Gy /bigobj /Oi /fp:precise /EHa /wd4127 /wd4251 /wd4324 /wd4275 /wd4512 /wd4589 /MP /MDd /Zi /Ob0 /Od /RTC1 C Compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.28.29333/bin/Hostx64/x64/cl.exe C flags (Release): /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /W3 /D _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /D _SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /Gy /bigobj /Oi /fp:precise /MP /MD /O2 /Ob2 /DNDEBUG C flags (Debug): /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /W3 /D _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /D _SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /Gy /bigobj /Oi /fp:precise /MP /MDd /Zi /Ob0 /Od /RTC1 Linker flags (Release): /machine:x64 /INCREMENTAL:NO Linker flags (Debug): /machine:x64 /debug /INCREMENTAL ccache: NO Precompiled headers: NO Extra dependencies: cudart_static.lib nppc.lib nppial.lib nppicc.lib nppidei.lib nppif.lib nppig.lib nppim.lib nppist.lib nppisu.lib nppitc.lib npps.lib cublas.lib cudnn.lib cufft.lib -LIBPATH:C:/Program Files/NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit/CUDA/v11.0/lib/x64 3rdparty dependencies:

OpenCV modules: To be built: aruco bgsegm bioinspired calib3d ccalib core cudaarithm cudabgsegm cudacodec cudafeatures2d cudafilters cudaimgproc cudalegacy cudaobjdetect cudaoptflow cudastereo cudawarping cudev datasets dnn dnn_objdetect dnn_superres dpm face features2d flann fuzzy gapi hfs highgui img_hash imgcodecs imgproc intensity_transform line_descriptor mcc ml objdetect optflow phase_unwrapping photo plot python3 quality rapid reg rgbd saliency shape stereo stitching structured_light superres surface_matching text tracking ts video videoio videostab world xfeatures2d ximgproc xobjdetect xphoto Disabled: - Disabled by dependency: - Unavailable: alphamat cnn_3dobj cvv freetype hdf java julia matlab ovis python2 python2 sfm viz Applications: tests perf_tests apps Documentation: NO Non-free algorithms: NO

Windows RT support: NO

GUI: Win32 UI: YES VTK support: NO

Media I/O: ZLib: build (ver 1.2.11) JPEG: build-libjpeg-turbo (ver 2.0.6-62) WEBP: build (ver encoder: 0x020f) PNG: build (ver 1.6.37) TIFF: build (ver 42 - 4.0.10) JPEG 2000: build (ver 2.3.1) OpenEXR: build (ver 2.3.0) HDR: YES SUNRASTER: YES PXM: YES PFM: YES

Video I/O: DC1394: NO FFMPEG: YES (prebuilt binaries) avcodec: YES (58.91.100) avformat: YES (58.45.100) avutil: YES (56.51.100) swscale: YES (5.7.100) avresample: YES (4.0.0) GStreamer: NO DirectShow: YES Media Foundation: YES DXVA: YES

Parallel framework: Concurrency

Trace: YES (with Intel ITT)

Other third-party libraries: Intel IPP: 2020.0.0 Gold [2020.0.0] at: C:/Users/Z/Downloads/PROJECTS/FastNeuralStyleTransferPyTorchTOP/Building/opencv-4.5.1/build/3rdparty/ippicv/ippicv_win/icv Intel IPP IW: sources (2020.0.0) at: C:/Users/Z/Downloads/PROJECTS/FastNeuralStyleTransferPyTorchTOP/Building/opencv-4.5.1/build/3rdparty/ippicv/ippicv_win/iw Lapack: NO Eigen: NO Custom HAL: NO Protobuf: build (3.5.1)

NVIDIA CUDA: YES (ver 11.0, CUFFT CUBLAS) NVIDIA GPU arch: 35 37 50 52 60 61 70 75 80 NVIDIA PTX archs:

cuDNN: YES (ver 8.1.0)

OpenCL: YES (NVD3D11) Include path: C:/Users/Z/Downloads/PROJECTS/FastNeuralStyleTransferPyTorchTOP/Building/opencv-4.5.1/3rdparty/include/opencl/1.2 Link libraries: Dynamic load

Python 3: Interpreter: C:/Users/Z/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/python.exe (ver 3.9.1) Libraries: C:/Users/Z/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/libs/python39.lib (ver 3.9.1) numpy: C:/Users/Z/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/lib/site-packages/numpy/core/include (ver 1.20.0) install path: C:/Users/Z/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/Lib/site-packages/cv2/python-3.9

Python (for build): C:/Users/Z/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/python.exe

ant: NO JNI: NO Java wrappers: NO Java tests: NO

Install to: C:/Users/Z/Downloads/PROJECTS/FastNeuralStyleTransferPyTorchTOP/Building/opencv-4.5.1/build/install

Configuring done Generating done'

DBraun commented 3 years ago

After you click configure did you do these steps?

I'm concerned about Disabled: world in your log.

When you said you're getting "LNK1181 cannot open input file '....\lib\Release\opencv_world451.lib' " is that from trying to build opencv or trying to build PyTorchTOP? Don't try building PyTorchTOP until you've gotten the opencv_world451.dll From memory, my opencv built without errors, so something is wrong there.

NairoDorian commented 3 years ago

Yes I made sure I did these 3 steps

Still trying to build OpenCV, not yet at the PytorchTop.

Yes it is disabled in the first log out of the Configure, once I get to check the case and click Generate I get the second log

DBraun commented 3 years ago

I noticed that my log mentions caffe2 and yours doesn't. Also I have python27 installed as a precaution, although others who built the project haven't said that's necessary. Here are some screenshots from CMake, maybe you can find some discrepancies.

image image image image

NairoDorian commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much for this

I notice that by default I have "OPENCV_FORCE_PYTHON_LIBS" box blank, so I just checked the box now I'm building again... If that doesn't work I'll install python2.7 and report again

NairoDorian commented 3 years ago

UPDATE : After reinstalling Python 2.7, and 3.9.1 at the root of the C disk as you did, and making a directory to build OpenCV at the root of C It took a bit more than 4hours to build and I got no errors finally and the correct .dll approx 1Go

Also just a question, I see the OPENCV_DNN_CUDA is not checked, wouldn't it boost the performance to perfocm the OPENCV tasks on the GPU? Am I not understanding this option correctly?

DBraun commented 3 years ago

Good point. I think that PyTorchTOP isn't using the dnn module (https://docs.opencv.org/master/d6/d0f/group__dnn.html), but if you wanted to build OpenCV with support for dnn too then you could enable OPENCV_DNN_CUDA and WITH_CUDNN.

These might be important too.

DNN is used in this project, it's just that it's done via the pytorch setup, not the opencv side.