DBuit / Homekit-panel-card

Homekit panel card for home assistant
MIT License
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break in config not working #108

Closed jnpetersen closed 3 years ago

jnpetersen commented 3 years ago

I had in my panel code I would use the follow:

- break

in order to space things out so that it would move to the next column. Now I'm getting this error message in red

Config is not an object

Is there a reason why this doesn't work anymore, or how can I probably handle columns?

jnpetersen commented 3 years ago

Used to look like this:

Screen Shot 2021-04-05 at 10 04 49 AM

Now looks like this:

Screen Shot 2021-04-05 at 10 05 06 AM

DBuit commented 3 years ago


As far as i can remember break never was a thing 🤔 But to make it look like your first screenshot look on the info on github page and look for enableColumns