DBuit / Homekit-panel-card

Homekit panel card for home assistant
MIT License
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Possible feature requests and general questions #129

Open sddgit opened 2 years ago

sddgit commented 2 years ago

Hi. Hope it’s OK to post all this here. I’m enjoying using this card. It’s by far the simplest way to get simple, predictable layouts designed. Thank you. I have a few points, and hope you can find some time to address them:

  1. I can’t get haptic feedback to work. My layout starts with

    type: custom:homekit-card
    home: true
    rules: >
    {% if states('sensor.salinity_whole_number') | float > 5000 %} <li>Salinity
    {{states('sensor.salinity_whole_number')}} is out of range</li> {% endif %}
    tileHoldAnimation: true
    useTemperature: true
    statePositionTop: false
    haptic: success

    But a single tap on a button seems to get no feedback. A long press does.

  2. The icons and text on Apple Homekit buttons seem to be transparent, so they change their shade depending on the background. Those on this card don’t do that, even though they have transparency in their styling. Can this be addressed somehow?

  3. On an iPad Mini, if I split the screen so 2/3rds are available for the card, still only 3 buttons are shown in a row, when there seems to be plenty of space for more. Any ideas if that can be changed?

  4. When I use home:true, there is always quite a lot of wasted space before the buttons (even after specifying --min-header-height: 5px;) even if no rules are triggered. Is this by design? And if I use a smallish space like this, will it expand if lots of rules are triggered?

  5. Is it possible to get the temperature in the green circle on a climate card to include a decimal place?

  6. I find the lime green of that temperature circle makes the white digits quite hard to read. Can that be change somehow?

  7. Try as I might, and after reading lots of examples, I can’t get a conditionalClass` to work. My latest incarnation is

      - entity: sensor.orp_whole_number
        name: ORP
        conditionalClass: |
            if (states[‘’sensor.orp_whole_number’’].state > 300)
              return "redtile";
              return "";

    But that just makes the whole view go blank! Are you able to give me any pointers here?

I’m really sorry for the long list, but hope you can help me out a bit.