DBuit / light-popup-card

Lovelace card to use as custom pop-up for light in homekit style
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Light Popup Card failing to work on Android app #73

Open margas-git opened 3 years ago

margas-git commented 3 years ago

After a lot of trial and error I have the light popup card working as expected on my desktop browser (Brave). When I perform a 'hold action', I have the light popup card display where I can control my lights.

I come into an issue when I use the Home Assistant app on Android... I perform the 'hold action' to bring up the light popup card, but instead I get the standard more-info options.

I'm on Home Assistant 2021.8.8 - Home Assistant OS 6.2. I'm using the latest version of the Android app.

title: Home
  - title: "Home"
    icon: mdi:home-outline
    path: "home"
      - type: button
        entity: light.tv
        icon_height: 40px

    title: " "
      $: |
        .mdc-dialog .mdc-dialog__container {
          width: 100%;
        .mdc-dialog .mdc-dialog__container .mdc-dialog__surface {
      .: |
        :host {
          --mdc-theme-surface: rgba(0,0,0,0);
          --secondary-background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
          --ha-card-background: rgba(0,0,0,0);
          --mdc-dialog-scrim-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.8);
          --mdc-dialog-min-height: 100%;
          --mdc-dialog-min-width: 100%;
          --mdc-dialog-max-width: 100%;
        mwc-icon-button {
          color: #FFF;
      type: "custom:light-popup-card"
      entity: light.tv
      icon: "mdi:lightbulb"
      fullscreen: true
        openButton: Advanced
        closeButton: Close
        type: "custom:light-entity-card"
          entity: light.tv
          hide_header: true
          brightness: false
          white_value: true
      actionsInARow: 4
      brightnessWidth: 150px
      brightnessHeight: 400px
      switchWidth: 150px
      switchHeight: 400px
      borderRadius: 12px

Any help would be appreciated!

Hold action when using Brave Browser

Screen Shot 2021-09-10 at 4 34 47 pm

Hold action when using Android app IMAGE 2021-09-10 16:43:59

Indianb0y016 commented 2 years ago

Adding on to here. Popup card does not work on my android device either. It is working with my web browser on my computer, just not on my phone. Will also add if it doesnt work on an iOS device in the household. Hopefully the fix is simple!

emile-bodin commented 2 years ago

Same in my setup as well.

iqlogic commented 2 years ago

Also have this problem in companion app on Android.

Twiistz commented 2 years ago

I have the same problem with the companion app for Android. It is working fine on iOS.

margas-git commented 2 years ago

Glad it's not just me that it's happening to, started to think I was going crazy.

@DBuit, do you have any timeline of when this functionality will work on android? Thanks!