I'm using the ptseries files in the Yeo 2011 parcellation, working with cortical nodes only. I haven't seen any prior work using 118 nodes in the Yeo parcellation - only 51 spatially connected components (from the 7-network parcellation) or 114 (from the 17-network parcellation). Further, when I used the dlabel.nii file provided with the ptseries for a Neurosynth analysis, several regions had no hits, suggesting possible incorrect labelling. I want to confirm that 118 is the expected number of cortical nodes?
Dear DCAN Team,
I'm using the ptseries files in the Yeo 2011 parcellation, working with cortical nodes only. I haven't seen any prior work using 118 nodes in the Yeo parcellation - only 51 spatially connected components (from the 7-network parcellation) or 114 (from the 17-network parcellation). Further, when I used the dlabel.nii file provided with the ptseries for a Neurosynth analysis, several regions had no hits, suggesting possible incorrect labelling. I want to confirm that 118 is the expected number of cortical nodes?