replace iirnotch with butter, remove repeated application of the same filter, only divide the order by 2 if it is using filtfilt()
remove the conversion from degrees to arc length for rotational movements since this will be calculated in a later step (also here it uses default brain radius of 50 mm and does not take an input which is not consistent with the main script).
(there's one more line I need to fix but I don't know how to go back to it so I'll submit another one )
replace iirnotch with butter, remove repeated application of the same filter, only divide the order by 2 if it is using filtfilt()
remove the conversion from degrees to arc length for rotational movements since this will be calculated in a later step (also here it uses default brain radius of 50 mm and does not take an input which is not consistent with the main script).
(there's one more line I need to fix but I don't know how to go back to it so I'll submit another one )