DCBIA-OrthoLab / SlicerAutomatedDentalTools

A 3D Slicer extension to use AMASSS, ALI-CBCT and ALI-IOS
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Consistently name Python packages supporting modules #64

Open jcfr opened 6 months ago

jcfr commented 6 months ago

I suggest to standardize on American English and perform the following renaming [^1]:

Current name Proposed name
ALI_IOS/utils_windows ALI_IOS/ALI_IOS_utils
AutoMatrix/Methode AutoMatrix/AutoMatrix_utils

[^1]: Without forgetting to rename references in CMakeLists.txt and python scripts

jcfr commented 6 months ago

re: https://github.com/DCBIA-OrthoLab/SlicerAutomatedDentalTools/issues/59

allemangD commented 6 months ago

I did this in #60 - see 0894740

Jeanneclre commented 6 months ago

We will work on the other module names with @GaelleLeroux and we keep that in mind for our next deployment. There are already 3 PR pending so we will probably wait before doing too many changes. Thank you!