Open jamesobutler opened 2 years ago
I don't know how to fix it, one Librairie is using logic. When the module was tested on MAC the code crashed with No module named 'logic'
error. I had to run this line to remove the error
Maybe there is a better solution you're aware of. Thanks
The "No module named 'logic'" is an issue with trying to import Slicer infrastructure stuff from within PythonSlicer.exe which is what runs the CLI script.
PS C:\Users\JamesButler\AppData\Local\NA-MIC\Slicer 5.0.3\bin> ./PythonSlicer.exe
Python 3.9.10 (main, Jul 8 2022, 02:32:50) [MSC v.1930 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import slicer.util
No module named 'logic'
Generally, CLIs are not intended to have direct access to the Slicer scene / infrastructure. They are meant for non-interactive data processing with non-slicer libraries. If you want to work within the Slicer environment, you should keep the code within a python scripted module.
I've generally not seen the attempted pip_install
of packages from a python scripted Slicer CLI like below.
Typically a Slicer scripted loadable module will either:
Thank you for your input. The module runs properly despite this error message that @Jeanneclre is working to address.
Is this leftover example code or are you actually trying to utilize this logic package from PyPI? I'm observing when running the CLIs
No module named 'logic'