DCC-EX / CommandStation-EX

EX-CommandStation firmware from DCC-EX. Includes support for WiFi and a standalone WiThrottle server. A complete re-write of the original DCC++.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Servo operated turnouts #343

Open mmrsderek opened 11 months ago

mmrsderek commented 11 months ago

I would say I am new to dcc-ex and I may have missed something in the documentation. I have looked at servo operated turnouts and I do not see anything to change the polarity of the frogs. With DCC NEXT they have the option to control a relay which switches the polarity of the frog. I assume the relay is energised half way through the servo travel. Could this be implemented in the future? If I have missed something in the docs I apologise. you supply some of the best documentation but it is so vast I could easily miss something. derek