DCC-EX / CommandStation-EX

EX-CommandStation firmware from DCC-EX. Includes support for WiFi and a standalone WiThrottle server. A complete re-write of the original DCC++.
GNU General Public License v3.0
153 stars 103 forks source link

Error message 'Could not pull latest updates from GitHub' #351

Open BMHannon opened 10 months ago

BMHannon commented 10 months ago

I have been using the Ex-Installer-Win64 which was working correctly. Within the last two days, I am getting the above error message.

The log shows the following,

2023-09-10 15:03:55.044 - ex_installer.git_client - ERROR - An exception of type KeyError occurred. Arguments: ('object not found - no match for id (https://github.com/DCC-EX/CommandStation-EX/commit/bd02d1c15bf4cc35848d07b15c5630dcc352ebd8)',) 2023-09-10 15:03:55.095 - ex_installer.select_version_config - ERROR - Could not pull updates from GitHub

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

Brendan Hannon