DCC-EX / CommandStation-EX

EX-CommandStation firmware from DCC-EX. Includes support for WiFi and a standalone WiThrottle server. A complete re-write of the original DCC++.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Incorporate Track Modes into OLED Display #357

Closed twr140 closed 9 months ago

twr140 commented 9 months ago

At present there isn't a built in means to have an OLED connected to the system display the Track Mode selected for each track output.

While it is possible to create Automations / Routes in EX_Rail, and have these display track states using the SCREEN() function, if the track mode is changed via serial port commands or Engine Driver's Track Manager, the OLED display is not updated for the track mode, and is then not in sync with the actual track mode and hence shows the wrong information.

It would be beneficial to have the ability to show these track modes on systems that have their track modes changed regularly, such as systems used for Public Displays where DC or DCC trains might be run on any given track output at any time.

ColinHMurdoch commented 9 months ago

Added returnMode(byte t),returnDCAddr(byte t) and getModeName(byte Mode) to TrackManager which allowed the use of a UserAddin function to display the required information to an OLED/LCD screen.

ColinHMurdoch commented 9 months ago

User tested the UserAddin function with success.