DCC-EX / WebThrottle-EX

WebThrottle-EX is a web based (html,jQuery,JavaScript) Controller/Throttle for DCC-EX EX-CommandStations
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Back to back responses showing an ending bracket #55

Open FrightRisk opened 3 years ago

FrightRisk commented 3 years ago

type the "c" command get a current report and you get this:

RECEIVE] c CurrentMAIN 0 C Milli 0 1997 1 1

[RECEIVE] 997 a 0>

It is splitting the first command partway through the second "1997" and then including a closing bracket. Should we display the brackets? This seems related to how the parser is breaking up lines. This should either be one line or perhaps 2. If we include the brackets, it would look like this: RECEIVE] <c CurrentMAIN 0 C Milli 0 1997 1 1997>

[RECEIVE] <a 0>