DCIT / perl-Crypt-JWT

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decode() should not require a key? #3

Closed FGasper closed 8 years ago

FGasper commented 8 years ago

If I have the following JWT: 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.eyJjb250YWN0IjpbIm1haWx0bzpmQGcudGxkIl0sInJlc291cmNlIjoibmV3LXJlZyJ9.wrY6y0kvA3qgR38ZuAA471ygN9fmSHdfWDIayjkBKGmeGbn0f30_LQBC9FiFDFgFJ8Owyy3bOkPWvHx7yhRnP5XnEYdzNtKy4t2LyKq_JSEVQf6p1zycsVaxVLCmZ6ZbRidxIFLhbkcmu2uc4BEVGQQEj3UesccIv-AS2JCQFqK5ca-HQeaLEMntXOz5p7DYZtauYjHuXQ60i25mClm51jScJfP-wk7yYnnohGYKDinwiYlH4Nw8p4yElzWL1dI-U8fiFoxnduGaflPIZ80hkk0p7delrZt3RvmaDdu4cLJ16TgrMw_nMZfbAK0IJXByAsbej78HwIAchdzHyRPmgA

… and I put that into http://jwt.io, it parses into something useful.

I don’t see anything in this module that does this … am I missing something? (JSON::WebToken has the same issue.)

karel-m commented 8 years ago

it has has a key in its header


If you find a RFC which says that jwk field from header should be used as a key I can implement it. I only do not know if it is implied by some standard,

FGasper commented 8 years ago

I don’t meant to use the key.

I mean just a simple parse without requiring the key--the same as jwt.io is doing.

Right now, if there were no http://jwt.io, would Crypt::JWT be able to do anything with that JWT without its key?

I’m working on an ACME (Let’s Encrypt) client, and that service uses public keys as registration. The key is sent as in that JWT; the server parses it and extracts the key as JWK. This parse happens without first having the key.


On 27 Apr 2016, at 5:09 AM, karel-m notifications@github.com wrote:

it has has a key in its header

{"jwk":{"e":"AQAB","n":"yQIvzDSxvka3A3aTV3Kf3koOxIV23jdiZkPd9O1otl7BX-fIKgDbM4BpGJLY-HkLnZeLiqx0HZJh_xSOHUxV6ui-JHSM2fAkNq30wxC32p6fT96otnOvlLHOMUi4FpPTt45EBg2zijEt_EcE3x48RcOfPTi7H0fZxAuuXrbkbe5Hqjs5qUjvl1JYGJu05NR-vq65L2P-h8P9yBAOZQf8Q1XAHh5FQPwO-B6wOZzi3cy1-EHWfHiYzqy31YM5flHhVxBwVFe21IH4HwYjvHNJ1DEhIvGaRA0VsOY6QjULOK_WMYPVq1smuNgDe8egUxFuvGcxibx552trdHuAiaTTiQ", "kty":"RSA"}

If you find a RFC which says that jwk field from header should be used as a key I can implement it. I only do not know if it is implied by some standard,

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karel-m commented 8 years ago

According to https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7515#section-4.1.3

jwk value from header (if present) should be used as a key for signature validation. Which Crypt::JWT does not follow, so it is a bug worth fixing

FGasper commented 8 years ago

Ah, there it is! :)


On 27 Apr 2016, at 7:55 AM, karel-m notifications@github.com wrote:

According to https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7515#section-4.1.3

jwk value from header (if present) should be used as a key for signature validation. Which Crypt::JWT does not follow, so it is a bug worth fixing

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FGasper commented 8 years ago

I’m sorry I’m not being more prompt about testing changes … I literally am working nonstop currently, managing a large number of pressing obligations at work and outside.

Hopefully next week things will lighten up a bit.

Do you need tests/PR from me prior to releasing versions of Crypt::JWT and CryptX that incorporate the changes we’ve been discussing (thumbprints, etc.)?


On 27 Apr 2016, at 7:55 AM, karel-m notifications@github.com wrote:

According to https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7515#section-4.1.3

jwk value from header (if present) should be used as a key for signature validation. Which Crypt::JWT does not follow, so it is a bug worth fixing

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karel-m commented 8 years ago

initial support for using jwk header value for verification 5af5f32 (only for JWS decoding, only works with RSA/ECC, no tests, no doc)

karel-m commented 8 years ago

Ad tests/PR - yes it will speed up the release if you can help me by submitting some tests & doc fixes.

I will add a comment what I would like to have to each individual issue.

FGasper commented 8 years ago

I’ll see what I can do. These are directly useful in the project I’m doing at work, so I may actually be able to swing it as part of normal work day stuff.

Thank you!


On 27 Apr 2016, at 8:08 AM, karel-m notifications@github.com wrote:

Ad tests/PR - yes it will speed up the release if you can help me by submitting some tests & doc fixes.

I will add a comment what I would like to have to each individual issue.

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FGasper commented 8 years ago

https://github.com/DCIT/perl-Crypt-JWT/pull/4 @karel-m

karel-m commented 8 years ago

now fixed in master

karel-m commented 6 years ago

@FGasper just FYI:

since v0.23 you have to to explicitly set newly added param key_from_jwk_header to use the key from jwk token header for signature verification:

my ($header, $payload) = decode_jwt(token => $jws, decode_header => 1, key_from_jwk_header => 1);
FGasper commented 6 years ago

Just to clarify: is that a breaking change?

karel-m commented 6 years ago

Yes, it is a backwards incompatible change. Now you have to explicitly say that you want to use jwk value from token header as the signature validation key (by key_from_jwk_header => 1).

The old behaviour had some nasty security implications.

FGasper commented 6 years ago

Are these documented somewhere? They may be relevant to some other work I’ve done.

Anyway, thank you for the heads-up!