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some bibliographic references in XML are incompletely displayed in editor #314

Open paregorios opened 7 years ago

paregorios commented 7 years ago

Consider TM66470 in which we find the following XML:

<bibl type="publication" subtype="principal">
   <title level="s" type="abbreviated">CLA</title>
   <biblScope unit="volume">3</biblScope>
   <biblScope unit="numbers">369</biblScope>
<bibl type="reference" subtype="principal">
   <ptr target="http://papyri.info/biblio/3761"/>
   <!-- ignore - start, i.e. SoSOL users may not edit this -->
   <title level="m" type="main">Codices Latini Antiquiores. A Palaeographical Guide to Latin Manuscripts prior to the Ninth Century. Part III: Italy: Ancona - Novara.</title>
   <author n="1">
      <forename>Elias Avery</forename>
   <!-- ignore - stop -->

This bibliographic information is rendered as follows in the editor:

screen shot 2017-08-09 at 2 23 08 pm

Regarding the "principal" edition (the first one), no preview is displayed, presumably because there is no <ptr> reference to a record in the Biblio collection. But the <title> element's content is also not displayed, which makes it impossible for the user to determine what work is being cited. Moreover, there is an extra "Book" entry line in the passages section that does not correspond to any of the markup in the XML file.

I note also that there are multiple empty "Book" passages unaccountably shown with the second bibliographic entry.

If this DCLP file requires, as I have suggested in #313, human intervention to resolve a duplicate entry for CLA, that cannot be accomplished by a user of the editor in the current state because there is no way to see that the same work is being cited (because of title suppression).

Edelweiss commented 6 years ago

all values of tei:biblScope/@unit that are currently used in DCLP

Edelweiss commented 6 years ago

google spread sheet that lists all DCLP files with missing biblio pointers (DCLP bibliography, biblio and appearsIn)


(navigate to tab “fix074_findMissingBiblioReferences“)