DCS-210 / project-omarxinyijohn

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Deaths/Cases #3

Open LaurieLBaker opened 2 years ago

LaurieLBaker commented 2 years ago

@omarsarr @JMieszcz @XimenaZ72


You will want to have it be deaths/cases, because the deaths were also cases.

Rereading your project proposal... are you using the / to be a division sign? Or to mean that you will look at both? If the latter, use 'and' instead of /.

Another variable to think about including is the population. In epidemiology, we will often calculate the herd immunity which is # vaccinated/total population

XimenaZ72 commented 2 years ago

Hi Professor Baker, @LaurieLBaker

We actually mean "and" here. But it will also be interesting to do a division. I think we can expand on that later when we are working on the visualization.

Yes, I thought about using vaccinated/total population. But in this dataset we have a variable called "administrated per 100K". And we can use it directly from the dataset, so I think it will also be a good point estimator for this project. https://github.com/DCS-210/project-omarxinyijohn/blob/94412be7018344ee4259ef68e3fd9d12798c3f07/proposal/proposal.Rmd#L58