DCS-210 / w2022-project-charliebitmyfinger

w2022-project-charliebitmyfinger created by GitHub Classroom
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Proposal Review #1

Open LaurieLBaker opened 2 years ago

LaurieLBaker commented 2 years ago

Proposal Review

Reviewer: Professor Baker Date: 03/14/2022

Section 1 - Introduction:

The introduction should introduce your general research question and your data (where it came from, how it was collected, what are the cases, what are the variables, etc.).

What is their general research question: We aim to examine what makes a Youtube video popular using a dataset that contains Youtube data. Is the general research question clear? If it is not clear, what questions do you have?

Section 2 - Data:

Data suitability:

Do the outcome and predictor variables and/or comparison groups make sense in the context of the question? Why or Why not?


  1. What was something you found interesting about the project?

    • It's a really interesting dataset. It will be fun to see what you find.
  2. What ideas/feedback do you have for other things they may explore?

    • See above.
  3. What kinds of plots should they consider to complete the project goal to create some kind of compelling visualization(s) of this data in R?

    • Time series, heat maps (for categories), word clouds for descriptions, etc.
  4. Any additional feedback you'd like to give the other group:

    • I'm interested to know whether the data quality varies. Is it optional to include a description of the YouTube video?
    • I think there will be some fun preprocessing to do with the lubridate package if you want to look at videos of a certain category.
    • You might want to think about different events or things that might explain the rise or popularity of certain categories.

Great work!

jtam304 commented 2 years ago

What I found interesting in this project is that their research problem is essentially how someone can get famous with digital media, specifically YouTube. I usually think that the best way to do it is through consistency and quality, but consistency should first be prioritized. I think the other team should look at how consistency can affect a Youtuber's views for a specific video as well as their channel growth. The plots that they should make are definitely scatter plot and maybe pie charts to see in what category specifically to videos get the most views on. Overall, the proposal looks good and they are definitely in the right direction.