DCS-210 / w2022-project-elly-sokona-and-ella

w2022-project-elly-sokona-and-ella created by GitHub Classroom
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Proposal Review #1

Open LaurieLBaker opened 2 years ago

LaurieLBaker commented 2 years ago

Proposal Review

Reviewer: Professor Baker Date: 03/14/2022

Section 1 - Introduction:

The introduction should introduce your general research question and your data (where it came from, how it was collected, what are the cases, what are the variables, etc.).

What is their general research question: Is there a correlation between the racial majority of the neighborhood and the number of allegations against police officers? Is there a correlation between the racial majority of the neighborhood and how likely the allegation is to be disciplined? Is the general research question clear? If it is not clear, what questions do you have?

Section 2 - Data:

Data suitability:

Do the outcome and predictor variables and/or comparison groups make sense in the context of the question? Why or Why not?


  1. What was something you found interesting about the project?

    • Great work finding the various datasets. I think this dataset and question are hugely relevant and I look forward to seeing what you create.
  2. What ideas/feedback do you have for other things they may explore?

    • I mentioned to Ella that you might look at changes overtime and explore gganimate and heat maps. I'd be interested to know whether the spatial data matches up across the different datasets and what you have found challenging.
  3. What kinds of plots should they consider to complete the project goal to create some kind of compelling visualization(s) of this data in R?

    • gganimate, heat maps and/or maps of the data. You have a time and space component that will be really interesting to explore.
    • I think looking at data for completeness and also patterns in what is missing will be interesting and important.
  4. Any additional feedback you'd like to give the other group:

    • Great work! The proposal is looking great. Just need to shift things into different folders.
SadieKriegler commented 2 years ago

Reflections What was something you found interesting about the project?

What ideas/feedback do you have for other things they may explore?

What kinds of plots should they consider to complete the project goal to create some kind of compelling visualization(s) of this data in R?

Any additional feedback you'd like to give the other group:

LaurieLBaker commented 2 years ago

Great work! Nice job @ellabeiser, @smsokona, @EllyBeckerman. See feedback above.