DCS-210 / w2022-project-lorenowenjackie

w2022-project-lorenowenjackie created by GitHub Classroom
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Proposal Review #1

Open LaurieLBaker opened 2 years ago

LaurieLBaker commented 2 years ago

Proposal Review

Reviewer: Professor Baker Date: 03/14/2022

Section 1 - Introduction:

The introduction should introduce your general research question and your data (where it came from, how it was collected, what are the cases, what are the variables, etc.).

What is their general research question: What are the driving factors for renewable energy production for different countries, and what do these trends look like over time in comparison to fossil fuel usage and emissions? Is the general research question clear? If it is not clear, what questions do you have?

Section 2 - Data:

Data suitability:

Do the outcome and predictor variables and/or comparison groups make sense in the context of the question? Why or Why not?


  1. What was something you found interesting about the project?

    • I'm really excited to see the different trajectories in countries and how their energy usage has changed. You'll want to set the scene in terms of giving an overview of how energy usage has changed over time and what the big players are.
  2. What ideas/feedback do you have for other things they may explore?

    • I wondering whether there is a way to partition energy consumption (e.g. heat, electricity, transport are some main sources/needs). I'd be interested in what they say in the literature.
  3. What kinds of plots should they consider to complete the project goal to create some kind of compelling visualization(s) of this data in R?

    • I think stacked bar plots and also waffle charts will come in handy to show the different proportions.
    • Time series will be useful.
    • A plot showing country on the y axis and the time point that they reached (50% or some other level renewable energy).
    • Maps.
    • You may want to do a comparison between the U.S. and a country with a similar profile in terms of natural resources and size (maybe Canada?).
  4. Any additional feedback you'd like to give the other group:

    • I'm really excited to learn more! I'd be really interested to hear your thoughts about a country's potential for different renewable energy sources. Great work!
LaurieLBaker commented 2 years ago

Great work! @oneuman4, @lorenandrews, @jtam304 see feedback above!