DCS-210 / w2022-project-team-ace

w2022-project-team-ace created by GitHub Classroom
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Feedback from Olympics group #2

Open ssimmons2024 opened 2 years ago

ssimmons2024 commented 2 years ago

Reviewers Team Name: Olympics Date: 3-1-2022

Section 1 - Introduction: What is their general research question: How does increasing global temperatures measured by city predict the number of natural disasters in the same area? Is the general research question clear? yes

Section 2 - Data: Is the data in the /data folder? yes Does the README include the dimensions and codebook for the data set? no Does the proposal include the output of glimpse() or skim() of the data frame. yes

Data suitability: Does the dataset have at least 50 observations and between 10 to 20 variables (exceptions can be made). yes Does the data set include a mix of categorical variables, discrete numerical variables, and continuous numerical variables? yes What variables does the data include (list below): yes

Section 3 - Data analysis plan: Does the proposal include outcome (response, Y) and predictor (explanatory, X) variables they will use to answer your question?And/or the comparison groups they will use, if applicable. yes Do the outcome and predictor variables and/or comparison groups make sense in the context of the question? Why or Why not? yes.


Does the proposal include some very preliminary exploratory data analysis, including some summary statistics and visualizations, along with some explanation on how they help you learn more about your data. (They can add to these later as they work on their project.) Yes

Does the proposal include the statistical method(s) that they believe will be useful in answering your question(s). Yes, they include different statistical methods.

Do they include what results from these specific statistical methods that are needed to support their hypothesized answer? Yes

Reflections What was something you found interesting about the project? It is about an environmental issue that is important to be discussed.

... What ideas/feedback do you have for other things they may explore? I think that their project has large potential. Having several data visualizations will be helpful to the audience and it will allow the project group to have an easier time answering the research question.