CeleST - C. elegans Swim Test
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Reload segmentation results of old video #10

Closed jkrasnits closed 9 years ago

jkrasnits commented 9 years ago

Throws error and makes validity bar red.

jkrasnits commented 9 years ago

Attempted to access cbl(1,:); index out of bounds because size(cbl)=[0,0].

Error in CSTCheckResults/displayCurrentFrame (line 1168) bbox = [ max(1,min(xImage, min(floor(cbl(1,:)-width)-displayAroundWorms))), ... % xMin

Error in CSTCheckResults/selectWorm (line 1757) displayCurrentFrame

Error in CSTCheckResults/loadVideoContents (line 1583) selectWorm

Error using waitfor Error while evaluating UIControl Callback

ch576 commented 9 years ago

Error found to be caused by incomplete write to file saving segmentation data for a particular video. This caused the read to break. Solved by removing deprecated fields