DCS-LCSR / SignStream3

Sign language linguistics annotation software
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Time Synchronization #597

Open douglas-motto-at-rutgers opened 1 year ago

douglas-motto-at-rutgers commented 1 year ago

Internally code is completed which associates video and audio files with a time range of the same length as those videos. Those time ranges are then related to a universal time range which encompasses the length of all ranges. As such these ranges are organized into a tree structure with parent/children relationships.

These relationship also include an offset value in which to time synchronize between ranges such that if one video started recording 5 seconds later than another video, the two video could be played and synchronized to the "real" time they both occurred.

Each range also has its time properties, such as the fundamental unit, scale of that unit, the allowed values, and a stepping scale. For example...FramesPerSecond vs Seconds....30 fps vs 60 fps....integers vs real numbers...step by 1 frame vs step by 10 frames.

Lastly annotations can be associated to a specific time range such that if an offset is changed...moved the initial "real" time a video starts....all annotations move with that offset and remain synced to the video.

UI code exist to add video and audio files to automatically generate those time ranges and properties. UI code exists to select and display the time range annotations exist in.

Some UI code exists to modify the offset, but this is not an ideal UI.

The existing UI code is not displayed in the currently release.

This is a placeholder issue to make note of the existing code and to state that if such functionality was desired again, some UI code would be needed, such as a UI to manage ranges, range properties and range associations.