DCS-LCSR / SignStream3

Sign language linguistics annotation software
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Audio Files and Visualization #598

Open douglas-motto-at-rutgers opened 1 year ago

douglas-motto-at-rutgers commented 1 year ago

Code is completed which allows the selection of audio files to be annotated in SignStream.

An audio file waveform is displayed in a zoomable window along with a visual spectrogram and the calculated pitch values of that audio. Mouse hovering displays values within the audio at the hovered time and mouse selection of times allows the setting of start and end time of annotations. Absolute time is displayed in the window.

Typical player functionality (play, stop, faster, slower) is implemented in the audio window. Playing is synchronized to the other media files and a green bar progresses through the display window similar in behavior to the utterance view's annotation panels.

Pitch is adjusted when playing slowed to speed up to sound appropriately.

This code is implemented, but is not included in the latest SignStream release. This is a placeholder to indicate that it exists if this feature was desired again.