DCS-LCSR / SignStream3

Sign language linguistics annotation software
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Problem with clicking on results in Search Window #617

Open cneidle opened 1 year ago

cneidle commented 1 year ago

Current release version 3.4.0. MacOS 10.14.6

Clicking on search results seems to do nothing at all. But in fact I think it just takes a near infinite amount of time.

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cneidle commented 1 year ago

It takes a little bit less time if "exact word" is not checked. But not sure why that should matter, since that should affect the search itself, not the display of results.

cneidle commented 1 year ago

Attempting to close the search window by clicking on the red button on top left does not work.

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You can see there is a checkmark in that reg circle, but it does not close.

Other menu items are also bringing the program to a halt...

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I will email you this file and the SignStream.Out file.

cneidle commented 1 year ago

I quit the program using command-Q. It did quit, but did not offer me the option to save the file first.

One thing I had done: I had modified the boundary between 2 utterances.

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I went to Database view and reset the endpoint of U11 to be right after the 3rd sign in U12, and I reset the start of U12 to be a couple of frames later.

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When I reopened the file with the new utterance boundaries, the search worked fine.

But the program is otherwise pretty unresponsive, however. It can take a long time to select a gloss by clicking on it, or to use the scroll bar.

cneidle commented 1 year ago

I think this issue resulted from resetting the boundary between utterances. If doing that causes serious problems with the file being edited, it is a serious problem. I think that resetting boundaries between utterances needs to be thoroughly tested...

cneidle commented 1 year ago

I have tried resetting several utterance boundaries in the current release version, but have not had any further problems.

cneidle commented 7 months ago

The problem described at the very top of this is still a problem for the new test version - Nov. 2023.

cneidle commented 7 months ago

It also takes forever to close the search window by clicking on the button in the upper left...