DCS-LCSR / SignStream3

Sign language linguistics annotation software
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Window Slider not initially appearing in correct location #641

Open douglas-motto-at-rutgers opened 1 year ago

douglas-motto-at-rutgers commented 1 year ago

In 5-Ben-Deaf-Grunts.ssc, with the zoom unlocked, when switching from the database view to the utterance view by clicking on an utterance the starts late in the time line, the window slider is initially off position until clicking on the slider.

The window slider, at the bottom of the utterance window should be positioned where the visible window is in the timeline.

In this case with this file the window slider starts always to the left (at the start of the timeline), even if the window is showing a later time window (which should be toward the end of the timeline).

This is so far specific to this file and hasn't been reproducible with new files, but unclear as to the cause.

NOTE: This file has this in the xml file... <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

douglas-motto-at-rutgers commented 1 year ago

The following doesn't appear to occur in all collection files, but in the 5-Ben-Deaf-Grunts file it does....

Open the 5-Den-Deaf-Grunts.ssc file. Start in the database view. Click on one of the Utterances toward the end of video....like U30 When the Utterance view opens, look at the bottom of SignStream window....the bottom slider indicator is all the way toward the left of the slider bar and of a specific small size.

A slider indicator on the left means that the time window I'm currently looking should be at the begging of the video...but U30 is at the end...so the slider indicator should appear toward the middle or right of the bar, which it is not.

Now click (aka tap) on the slider bar...not the slide indicator itself. As so as you do, you'll see the slider indicator moves/jumps to where it should be correctly...to the middle or right of that slider bar. You'll also notice the slider indicator's size might change (although we didn't change the zoom level).

This is where the slider indicator should have been positioned when entering the utterance view.