DCS-LCSR / SignStream3

Sign language linguistics annotation software
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Pre-release 3.4.1 - new error with placement of box for text entry #647

Open cneidle opened 1 year ago

cneidle commented 1 year ago

The text entry box for changing Utterance name should allow for editing the name, starting with what is present and in the position where the current label occurs.

Screen Shot 2023-02-13 at 11 39 39 AM

Instead, it appears blank, in a fixed location, and scrolling keeps it visible. In fact... it is still visible here! in Github

Screen Shot 2023-02-13 at 11 42 03 AM

Illustrating the scrolling:

Screen Shot 2023-02-13 at 11 41 28 AM Screen Shot 2023-02-13 at 11 41 33 AM Screen Shot 2023-02-13 at 11 41 38 AM