DCS-LCSR / SignStream3

Sign language linguistics annotation software
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Preparations for next release #652

Open cneidle opened 1 year ago

cneidle commented 1 year ago

Here is a link to what we distributed with 3.4.0:


I will prepare a similar document for 3.4.1.

It would be helpful to know what information remains the same, and what needs to be framed differently, particularly with respect to:

I will also need to list the major changes in this version, and to update the list of remaining issues. So far as I can tell, none of the issues in section 11 have been addressed in this update. I suspect that this list needs to be expanded based on new issues that have arisen but not been resolved.

I can be guided by the Readme file, once you eliminate the links to GitHub issues and replace them with prose. But I would be interested to know what you see as the major changes in this version, and overall, the major changes that need to be made to this document so that it will be appropriate for the 3.4.1 release.


cneidle commented 1 year ago

First stab at listing improvements since last version:

  1. Compatibility with [OS/hardware].

  2. Calls to the online Sign Bank from within SignStream now use secure http.

  3. Fixed bugs that previously failed to disallow the following:

    • Renaming a Segment Tier label to be “ ” (i.e., where the label would consist of only a space character).
    • Renaming an Utterance with a name used for another existing utterance.
    • Displaying the same Segment Tier more than once in the Utterance Window
  4. Fixed a bug involved with the menu item enabling Updating SignStream®

What else?

douglas-motto-at-rutgers commented 1 year ago

"1. Compatibility with [OS/hardware]."

Unclear of the desired wording. Technically, we (lcsr) are only developing and testing in macOS 13 (Ventura). It's likely to work in older versions, but not something we are even causally testing.

"2. Calls to the online Sign Bank from within SignStream now use secure http."

Not exactly true. Video's retrieved by SignStream from the DAI are still over http. The signbank file (generated by the dai) still include http links.

The change from http to https involved the update scripts.