DCS-LCSR / SignStream3

Sign language linguistics annotation software
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Gestures: Updated handshape set [no changes needed to basic ASL handshape "All" palette] #653

Open gregorydimitriadis opened 1 year ago

gregorydimitriadis commented 1 year ago

Related back to main gesture enhancements #648

We will change the handshape selection for gestures according to new specifications. These would be the handshapes which appear when a user opens up the Gesture Info window and clicks "select handshapes" - and the default palette for "Gestures" shows the handshapes.

This involves updating the coding scheme file, the actual images themselves, and multiple places in-code which reference these images.

cneidle commented 1 year ago

This new default palette would be in addition to all the other already existing palettes, which would remain selectable from the menu.

cneidle commented 1 year ago

We would need to make sure that the identifiers for the new handshapes don't conflict with labels used for handshapes in other palettes...

A more general issue is whether it would make sense to use identifiers that correspond in some way to the labels they currently use for these various things, which would probably make it most useful for them when they would access the XML files in the future.

douglas-motto-at-rutgers commented 1 year ago

Need requirements on...if all handshape palettes are selectable for both gloss and gestures...or are there palettes selectable for just gestures, but not glosses, and vice versa.

cneidle commented 1 year ago

No changes needed. The default palette used for signs (ASL - All) should also be used for gestures. Ideally, there should be inclusion of the option for the Basic Gestures palette developed for co-speech gestures (at the bottom of the list), but that would be a non-default option, for the time being. Longer term, it would be nice to enable selection of a default handshape palette, enabling speech researchers to systematically use that one as a default, while enabling sign language researchers to use the sign default.
