DCS-LCSR / SignStream3

Sign language linguistics annotation software
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Gestures: Fingertip orientation #655

Open gregorydimitriadis opened 1 year ago

gregorydimitriadis commented 1 year ago

Related back to main gesture enhancements #648

Closely related to #654 (palm orientation)

As mentioned in the palm orientation issue, existing orientation field would be refashioned as palm orientation. Fingertip orientation would be building a new field entirely.

Involve in this is: getting the new orientation images as part of specifications, using those in the coding scheme file, using the images in the application, and updating in the code the relevant usages of these images.

cneidle commented 1 year ago

There can be a unified set of options for values for orientation for gestures (co-speech/sign). For gesture coding, the interface will include a handshape palette (selectable, with the same default for gestures as for signs, ideally including a Basic Gestures (non-default) option) plus TWO fields for orientation: Palm and Fingertips, with the same values for both. This will involve a 3rd line for selections in this interface, and for display in the Utterance window:

Handshape Palm Orientation Fingertip Orientation

Orientation should include the following values and icons (approved by Gallaudet):


It should be possible to choose any or all of these: i.e., optional handshape + optional palm orientation + optional fingertip orientation. This will require addition of a "do not include" option for handshapes, comparable to the "do not include" option for orientations.

gregorydimitriadis commented 1 year ago

@cneidle do you have the original images used there for the new orientations? And if so, can you send me them via email? Also - do these images have any copyright/crediting concerns?