DCS-LCSR / SignStream3

Sign language linguistics annotation software
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Gestures: gesture types #657

Open gregorydimitriadis opened 1 year ago

gregorydimitriadis commented 1 year ago

Related back to main gesture enhancements https://github.com/DCS-LCSR/SignStream3/issues/648

Gesture types refer to the sub-menu of the Gesture Info dialog which displays a long list of checkbox items which can be associated to a gesture. These types are defined in the coding scheme file, and are organized in a hierarchical manner.

These types can be updated according to new specifications, which would involve updating the list and the in-code areas which processes and uses it.

cneidle commented 1 year ago

The Gallaudet people will provide their checklist by Friday, March 24 (or so they say). Note that this is NOT intended to replace the set of options previously developed -- with great care -- for co-speech gestures, but rather to offer an alternative. To the extent that we unify gesture coding for speech and sign, which is desirable in the longer term, we should consider ways to make all options available, whether in a selectable set of options for properties, or offering these two types of properties in different tabs, or alternatively, creating a superset of options that incorporates both... It may be easier to see what would make sense when we get the Gallaudet list.

gregorydimitriadis commented 1 year ago

The list which was decided upon is attached here: GestureTypes-Sign-Final.pdf (updated 2023-03-31 11:07 AM EST)

To clarify the image, there are 3 top-level categories: Movement, Gesture Type, and Gesture Function - with Semantic and Pragmatic existing as categories under Gesture Function