DCS-LCSR / SignStream3

Sign language linguistics annotation software
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Ndom listed before Dom for START/END setting on Morph Phon #670

Open douglas-motto-at-rutgers opened 1 year ago

douglas-motto-at-rutgers commented 1 year ago

An observation...

Most places in which a setting is made for both Dom and Ndom..."Dom" is listed on top or to the left of "Ndom".

Except on the Morph Phon edit window.


Select 2 handed. Select "Diff't Handshapes Dom & Ndom". (notice ordering in that label "Dom & Ndom").

Two drop downs then appear directly under that.

On the left..."Same START/END (ndom)" On the right..."Same START/END (dom)"


I believe the label "Diff't Handshapes Dom & Ndom". Used to be "Diff't Handshapes L & R"...with below options...

On the left..."Same START/END (left)" On the right..."Same START/END (right)"

...so these ordering matched the label "L & R".


It may be more consistent to either...

a) reorder the label to "Diff't Handshapes Ndom & Dom" or b) change the ordering of the "START/END" selections.

cneidle commented 1 year ago


Greg, please let's discuss this before making these changes!

There are things we need to fix. Adding L and R is not one of them IMHO.

We deliberately eliminated L and R where it was not necessary, so that we could use the same interface for left and right-handed signers.

And please don't do this:

reorder the label to "Diff't Handshapes Ndom & Dom"

We have discussed eliminating the dropdown menu for same/different start and end handshapes, so the suggestion about that is moot.

This also has implications for worrying about corrections for the Start/End same vs. different values in the XML (i.e., we don't need to do that, right?).