DCS-LCSR / SignStream3

Sign language linguistics annotation software
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Collision with unlocked handshapes #679

Open douglas-motto-at-rutgers opened 1 year ago

douglas-motto-at-rutgers commented 1 year ago

Create two glosses next to each other...."left"..."right".

(For this example...1handed, but 2 handed is likely to have the same problem.)


Leave "left" without handshapes defined. Define handshapes for "right".

Unlock the Dom Hand on "right".

Click on the dom hand line of "right".

Decrease its start time until it comes before the end time of "left".

"right"'s dom hand and hshape should overlaop "left"'s dom gloss

-- The bug...

Now add handshapes to "left". It says there's an overlap, but it appears the dom hand and hshape lines for "left" are created.

And are overlapping with "right".
